Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Spell to Ease a Pet's Passing

I just got an email from one of my readers and a follower of this blog, telling me that one of her rescue animals was dying of cancer and asking me if I knew of a spell to make a pet's passing easier and more comfortable. I had to tell her I'd never come across anything like that. But her story touched me--I've been there many times myself, and will no doubt be there again--so I wrote a spell for her dog Noelle.

Then it occurred to me that it was something other people might be able to use. It will probably end up in one of my books someday, but in the meanwhile, here it is. I hope you never need to use it, but if you do, I  hope it helps.

Here's love for you, my gentle friend
With gratitude for time together
Here's ease of passing at the end
And joyful sunny weather

I hope you run and jump and play
Into the Summerlands
We'll meet again some time and day
Safe in the Lady's hands

Peace to you and quiet ease
Go with the Lady's grace
Love is yours and will not cease
My heart will keep your place


  1. That's beautiful. Really beautiful. I hope you do put it in a book someday. Maybe a book full of spells for pet owners? Include some accessory stuff, like use of herbs, oils, stones, etc.?

    You write truly lovely spells.

    1. Thank you. Of course, I wrote it very late at night, so it might need some tweaking...

    2. Hi,is there anything that is needed for this spell,my cat is dieing and is fighting it.what can I do

    3. Hi Little Dove, I'm so sorry about your cat. All you need to do is read the spell from your heart. Nothing else is necessary. Hugs.

  2. *sniffle* *sob* beautiful. I said it for those already gone. I hope I won't have to use it for awhile but it will go (attributed, of course), in my Book of Shadows! Lovely.

    1. I'm glad you liked it. It was very late at night when I wrote it (I really should have gone to bed, but I couldn't sleep until I responded to the note.)

  3. My friend just lost her sweet old dog and is mourning. I decided to scour the interwebs for something moving to ease her pain, & voilĂ ! I've discovered you! Beautiful words & the perfect note of hope & love!

    It made me cry. Selfishly, as the love of my
    Life, my black kitteh I raised from 5 weeks old, was diagnosed with lymphoma and FIV two years ago. BUT he's been in remission since diagnosis!!! So I'm very fortunate to have such treasured, exquisite time with him.

    I'll come back and check on your blog.

  4. Our sweet boy just crossed the rainbow bridge and I read this to him while passing. The speaking the words helped calm him into letting him pass. Thank you very much for posting this.

  5. I am dealing with this now. My dog, Cloud, has cancer and things are not going well. I will definitely use this. Thank you.

  6. Thank you so much for this. I was looking for the perfect words as I prepare to say goodbye to my girl tomorrow.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thank you for this! I knew our cat was close & we read it to her twice & she passed pretty peacefully... (I wish she'd gone in her sleep, but thankful she's at peace now.) Thank you, again.

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss, JoAnn. I'm glad the spell was helpful. Hugs.

  9. This is exactly the witchy words I was searching for my beloved majestic Milton cat who will be crossing over to the other side of The Moon today. Thank you deeply from the center of my Heart.

    1. You are very welcome, and I'm so sorry for your loss.

  10. I found your spell a few years ago for a friend of mine who’s dog drowned. It helped her I bookmarked it...but my computer was subsequently wiped after the logic board failed.
    Last Feb 5th, when the Love of My Life, my beautiful black boy, Gargamel, who was only a cat sometimes, had to leave me, I searched everywhere for this spell. I searched my msgs to my friend, the interwebs... And because I had signed up to receive updates on the posts for your Spell, voilĂ ! It came right to my email! And just in time for the 1st anniversary of my greatest loss ever.

    I’ve wanted to thank you for this Spell for so long, &
    Now having found it, and you again, I thank you so very much for your words that comfort me in what little way that’s possible. In my search, I’ve read so many poems and spells and incantations and memorials… Only this has been of any service to me.
    And in a fit of synchronicity, which follows me around like a kitten, I bought your book after Gargamel died. I didn’t realize you had written The Little Spell Book
    Of Cat Magic!!! But it was missed placed in the shuffle and I only just found it again last week. As I didn’t remember your name, I was simply happy to have found it again. And I only just now realized that I have been circling closer to the end of my Quest for some time now.
    Blessed Be, Deborah Blake❤️

    1. I'm so glad you found it helpful, and my sympathy for your loss.

  11. used this today to help my Dottie girl

    Thank you. It’s wonderfully written

    1. I'm glad you found it helpful, although I'm sorry you had a reason to use it. Blessings on you both.

  12. Hello lovely Witch. We are on each others friends list on facebook & met online through our mutual friendship with a kindred of mine(Krista). I love the words of this incantation. It speaks so much from the heart. I was looking for suggestions of candle colors/anointing oils for a spell I wrote many years ago to help a friend's familiar cross, and your blog came up in my search. I had a friend come to me once a long time ago when her cat had been poisoned by a neighbor who'd been leaving jugs of antifreeze out at the end of their driveway intending harm. I did as you did and crafted a spell to help her beautiful boy cross over. I was just wondering if along with the incantation you had any recommendations for the oil/candle colors. I chose white & black in the past as he was a black cat. But this lovely girl I'm sending this out for is a Calico. Any thoughts you might share Debra are always appreciated dear Lady. I hope You are well & safe. Blessings, light & love. ~Eve

    1. Hi Eve, I usually just use white for this sort of thing. Be well, and blessings for the kitty.

  13. Hello, My dog is very old and suffering a lot, i would like to put him at ease. I was wondering how i should do this. Should i say it during a certain moon? At candle light? ect.
    Blessed be ~ Monica

    1. Hi Monica,
      I'm sorry about your dog. You don't need to do anything special. The timing is up to you (or your beloved pet). Simply read the spell out loud when it feels right. Blessings and hugs, Deborah

  14. This is truly beautiful and powerful. My 15 yr old wasn’t doing well and we had plans on putting her down today, but yesterday I found this looking for some type of comfort or easing for her and it did just that. She passed early this morning in her sleep. Thank you.

    1. I'm so happy it was helpful, although I am very sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing. xxx

  15. Thank you for this... my cat is near the end of his life and is no longer eating or drinking. He is not suffering but the end is near.
