Friday, March 8, 2013

Feline Friday: The It's Still Winter Version

This is what I woke up to this morning

Eight inches of snow, and it is still falling. I'm going to have to keep this short, since my plow guy hasn't shown up yet, and I may have to dig out the LONG driveway to get out to work. Yes, of course I'm going. I live in upstate NY. We don't let 8 inches of snow stop us. (Although it might slow us the heck down.)
I have a long driveway. The top picture shows the section behind the house, and then there's this part that runs next to the house down to the road. You know, where the big plow has already deposited plenty of snow. (And this pic is from yesterday, when it was just starting, hence the NOT 8 inches of snow. I had such hopes...)

On the bright side, I also got a pleasant surprise when I looked out at the bird feeder before breakfast.
It's hard to tell, between being shot out a window, and the falling snow, but those are red-winged black birds one of my favorite birds and also the first bird to herald the return of spring, arriving about a month before the robins. So it may look like winter out there, but spring is coming!

You can tell that Magic the cat is very impressed.
Samhain is just happy that it is still cold enough to run the pellet stove. That's her favorite winter-time perch.
Here's hoping that your Friday brings you a pleasant surprise (like red-winged blackbirds) and not 8 inches of snow. Unless you happen to like snow, in which case, you can have mine!

What is out your window today?


  1. Outside it's gray, but neither raining nor snowing and a bit warmer than you at the moment, due to hit 70 today (but certainly not yet).

    Inside there are no cats for amusement or comfort.

    Cats always trump weather. :)

    And I would so not be happy in your snow. Brrr.

  2. Snow! I live north of you. We do not take the day off, we take our cars out on un-plowed roads and say "watch this!".

    In typical upstate NY fashion it's supposed to be 50-ish this weekend. Clearly the birds already knew that.

    1. LOL. Too true.

      And I'm glad the birds were there to reassure me!

  3. The first thing I saw out my window this morning was a gorgeous crescent moon framed by bare sycamore branches. Not a bad way to start the day.

    Now, it's daffodils, blossoming plum trees and goldfishes splashing in the fountain. But the wind is kicking up and every time I step outside I sneeze, so I guess I'll stick with the window viewing. :)

  4. Er... goldfinches are splashing in the fountain. The goldfish are sunbathing in the pond...

    1. Right. *sticks out tongue* You California people...

  5. No big snow in Cleveland; just a few flakes here and there. It's mostly just gray... though the daffodils are getting ready to show off!

    I participated in a pet adoption event today, and saw a few cats find new guardians/homes. I hope they end up as cozy and happy as your cats. ...Magic and Samhain look very comfortable away from all that snow! :)

    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Yay for the pet adoption event! That's a wonderful thing to be a part of.

  6. Here in Syracuse NY we had a bit of snow yesterday, but it has been sunny and 40 degrees F today. No red-wings yet.

  7. Today I saw sunshine, beautiful blue skies, a few buzzards swooping overhead, squirrels racing along the back fence and the usual group of little lizards sunning themselves. It was in the low 70s here in South Florida.

    Your felines always look so sleek and happy. They must know they have a good life.

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