Friday, February 15, 2013

Feline Friday: The Terrible, Horrible Cold Version

This post is a little late because I have been fighting a terrible, horrible cold. Since last Saturday. And losing, I  might add. Blergh. Snuffle. Cough.

I'm not used to this, I might add. If I feel something coming on, I slam it with echinecea/goldenseal tincture, zinc lozenges, vitamin C, and LOTS of garlic, and I usually get rid of whatever it is in about 48 hours. This, apparently, is the Cold from Hell. Because I've had it for seven days, and it shows no sign of leaving. *shakes fist at cold*

Of course, it probably didn't help that I insisted on going to work earlier in the week, thinking I wasn't that sick (it was mostly just a really bad sore throat at that point). And helped tear up the kitchen floor. (Did I mention I have a new kitchen floor? But that's another post. Maybe tomorrow, if I'm less blergh than today.)

Ironically, I ended up taking yesterday and today off...the same days I would have taken off if I had been able to keep my original plans to fly out to California to see my family in San Diego, and then go to Pantheacon in San Jose. So while I am still disappointed I couldn't go this year, I am REALLY REALLY glad I wasn't traveling this week. Not only are my ears and head stuffed, which would have sucked on the plane, and not only do I feel horrible, but I sound like a 90 year old woman with a 3 pack a day habit, so I'm thinking that trying to give my presentations would have been...unpleasant for all involved. Just sayin'.

 Anyway, that was Plan A. There was a Plan B, which has been moved to another week when I am not dying feeling like crap on a plate. This, apparently, is Plan C.
Lots of tissues, a reread of all my favorite humorous romance books by Lani Diane Rich (and when I run out of hers, probably Jennifer Crusie....I have a huge stack of unread paranormal romances and urban fantasies, some of them things I've been waiting for, but my brain just isn't up to the job at the comfort food, that's what I need). And Samhain, who very kindly sat on my lap much of the afternoon, but was understandably unimpressed when I wanted to take a picture of her with a bunch of used tissues.

Angus isn't very good at sitting still, bless him, so he resorted to his usual "Aren't I Cute?" poses to entertain me.

I don't know about you, but I feel better already. Kinda.


  1. Sorry the cold has you down! I kind of had a simular lie-in day. Mine was due to a Migraine! I spent time with my Elder Kitty, Oliver and my new sweetheart, Sheldon. All I did was take meds and curl up with books I haven't read since 1992-1993. Not the way I had planed to spend my day but it is what it is. I wish you a speedy recovery!

    1. Migraines suck. I hope yours went away fast. And glad you had furballs of your own to keep you company! Which books did you read?

  2. Oh, it is good we didn't do PCon. Traveling sick sucks and I would have been all, euw, cooties if we were roomies.

    I'm all about comfort reads when I'm sick, but I was so miserable yesterday I couldn't even manage those. I tried three books and finally resorted to blog surfing on my Kindle between naps.

    May we both (All! You too, BlueRoseFaery!) feel sublimely healthy soon.

    1. Lisa, You DEFINITELY didn't want to be sharing a room with me this week. Or possibly, a state. Next year, baby. Or maybe this summer, if miracles occur.

      Healthy for everyone!

  3. Hope you feel better soon. The Killer Cold has been making it's way east. Samhain and Angus are adorable!


  4. I hope you're feeling better today. I'm impressed that you could take photos and blog while feeling so crummy. Thanks for the kitty pics.

  5. I'm at work so I can't see the kitties, unfortunately. So sorry you're sick. Hope you are better soon!
