Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year! New Classes! New Schedule!

New Year! New Classes! New Schedule!

Happy New Year all! After much discussion and consultation with students, the fabulous Heather Long and I have hammered out the workshop class schedule and while it is still subject to change, we have also opened registration on the first two classes of the year.

The first: Celebrating the Wheel of the Year is based on the special request for a year long class that looks at the 8 major sabbats. This class has a one time registration fee, but once you are registered, you will receive updates around the major sabbats, including information, rituals and more. This class will include some info from my books, a ritual for each holiday, and extras like decorating suggestions and more. There will only be one post per holiday, but you can ask questions both before and after the sabbat.

The second class kicks off in February - a week long class combining Witchcraft 101 and 102. This is a great class for beginners, curiosity seekers, writers looking for research material and will have more in depth information for practitioners and more!

Registration and more info are available on the workshop blog here: Witchcraft and Writing Loop 

 Coming up later in the year will be other classes, including a few new ones by popular request. Here is the tentative schedule:

January – Exploring the Wheel of the Year – Ongoing class with updates for each major Sabbat (8 total) – Begins with Imbolc (February 2)
February - Witchcraft 101/102
March – Witchcraft 201
April – Spells & Spellcasting
May – Herbal Magick & Kitchen Alchemy
June– World Building for the Paranormal Author
July – No Class
August – Pre-Writing Workshop
September – Crystals & Gemstone Magick
October – TBA
November – No Class
December – No Class
 We had a great time with the classes we gave last year, and I hope you'll join us this year and spare your questions, knowledge, and enthusiasm! And I'd REALLY appreciate it if you'll spread the word to your witchy and writing friends, and anyone else you think might be interested. The more popular the classes are, the more likely it is that we'll continue with them in the future.
If you are planning to take a class, which one are you looking forward to the most? If you took one last year, which was your favorite?


  1. I am looking forward to the September workshop, Crystals & Gemstone Magick! :)

    1. I think that was the most requested new addition!
