Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving at Casa Deb & Black Friday at The Artisans' Guild

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving (except those of you who don't live in the US and therefore don't which case I hope you had a nice Thursday).

Mine was quiet. I had a nice meal (I roasted a small piece of lamb with some root veggies from my garden, and made my friend Robin's wonderful creamed spinach recipe) with a glass of prosecco. Yum. And lots of leftovers so I wouldn't have to cook on Friday and Saturday, when I worked longer than usual hours at the store.
But mostly I spent the day doing this:
 That's the end result of playing with all these supplies...
And no, you can't see my living room for the beads...why do you ask?

But it was worth it, since the big turquoise necklace sold an hour after I opened the doors on Friday :-)

Besides, my supervisor yells at me if I slack off just because it is a holiday.
I'm happy to say that not everyone spent Black Friday at the mall, since we had a busy and successful day at The Artisans' Guild. I get kind of a kick out of having the store filled with happy shoppers and browsers...

Definitely looking forward to having the day off tomorrow, though. If by day off, you mean "make more jewelry and work on edits."

It's a fun life :-)

So, how was your Thanksgiving? And what did you do this weekend?


  1. It's so wonderful to see people supporting local shops and artists! Thanks for that image. :)

    1. Well, things were slower than usual, but on the bright side, all our customers were cheerful and happy to be there :-)

  2. The jewelry looks beautiful! You do such wonderful bead work AND you are a great writer. And a great cook. So multi-talented! :)

  3. That meal looks delicious! (Mmm, lamb... now I want some!) I spent Thanksgiving at my grandmother's house with our small family, and avoided Black Friday shopping. (Too hectic.)

    1. Sounds lovely! We always had Tday at my grandmother's house--it is one of the days I miss her the most.

  4. Congratulations on the sale! It was a beautiful piece if wearable art.

    Your supervisor looks like a tough cookie, indeed.

    1. She is! For a cat who only weighs 7 lbs, she can really throw her weight around :-)
