Monday, October 15, 2012

Guest post at Llewellyn blog


I forgot to mention earlier that I have a guest post up on the Llewellyn blog, talking about the changing season.

If you're in the mood, how about going over there and leaving a comment, so those lovely people don't think nobody read it.... (sniffle)

Llewellyn blog post

Thanks! Did I mention how much you folks rock?


  1. Very nice! You have such a great voice in your writing. I enjoyed the article so much I followed it up with The Beauty of Ritual. Two great articles. Even those of us who edge nearer to atheism than to any religion have a need for ritual; I think that's why some people stay in churches after belief has faded. We need rituals to help us note major changes in our lives and in life in general (such as the seasons).

    Thanks for pointing out the post!

    1. Thanks, Skye! I think we all use some kind of ritual, even if we don't think of it that way.

  2. Lovely post and perfect prose as always Deborah:) I think that an appreciation of the seasons is something that develops with age. I used to hate Winter, but these days I'm more appreciative of the stillness that it brings.
    I'm an Autumn girl though, it's my favourite season and we're having a beautiful fall season here.
