Friday, August 10, 2012

Feline Friday: Magic the Cat Version

Yes, cat lovers, it is that time again. Well, Friday, of course, but also a day when I am so exhausted (from thunderstorms all last evening and on and off all night) that the only way I can manage a post is to simply put up cute cat pictures. Thankfully, I have a never-ending supply...since Magic the Cat is happy to sprawl all over the house being photogenic.

Here ya go, and happy Friday!

Here is Magic lying on my shiny new copy of Alex Bledsoe's Wake of the Bloody Angel which I finally wrestled away from her so I could read it. And man, was it worth it. This book is GREAT!

So, what do y'all have planned for the weekend? I'm going to be out in the garden and yard (once the next batch of thunderstorms passes through this afternoon and evening--gah), going to the dump, and working on some nonfiction projects so I can clear my plate and get back to the current novel. Yes, my life IS glamorous, isn't it ?


  1. But Tuesday will be chock full of glamour! Looking forward to seeing you!

    1. That's true! And we'll have to get someone to take a picture, or no one will believe me :-)

  2. Magic is terribly glamourous isn't she? She should hire out to lie on the books of other authors to help sell them. Obviously she knows books!

    1. She is! And she should. Maybe I can hire her out and make some money to pay for her food...

  3. Oh, cat Friday! I love it and the stars really are magnificient even though sleepy.

    1. That's Magic the Cat for you--even when half asleep, she is spectacular. Just ask her!

  4. Aww... pretty kitty! I'm sorry Odin kept you up all night. Bad god, nekkid spanking! This weekend is recovery from yesterday's lumbar epidural - it's icepacks and not eating the entire refrigerator every 20 minutes for me. Also, avoiding the hostile ball of fire in the sky that is punishing us for wanting to breathe easy by the sea. I hope you get caught up on sleep - smooches and hugs and blessed be, Lady!

    1. Lumbar epidural--OUCH. That sounds...unpleasant. I hope it helps. Also that the big ball goes easy on you. Hang in there, and blessings right back atcha!

  5. The only problem with Wake of the Bloody Angel is it's TOO SHORT! I finished it yesterday. I'm on vacation at my parents with a cold so I can do things like lie on the sofa all afternoon and read.

    1. Oh dear. I hope you brought some other books! If you have a Kindle and need more recommendations, I'm full of them :-)

      Feel better!
