Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rainy Day Cat Nap

It's been raining here since I woke up, and it rained on and off for much of yesterday. That's good for two reasons: one, we really needed the rain, and two, a rainy day means no gardening or yard work, so I'm likely to get a lot more writing done instead :-)

Yesterday I hit 20,600 words in the new mystery project, writing almost 2,900 during the day. I hope to repeat that today, and also maybe get some jewelry making done.

In the meanwhile, everyone else seems to feel like taking a lazy day
Looks like a great idea, doesn't it? Maybe after I get the writing done...

I hope you're all having a lazy or productive Sunday (whichever you prefer). And a big happy birthday wish to my lovely friend Chris, who is spending hers selling pottery at the Canal Days fair. And not, thankfully, being rained on.

1 comment:

  1. There's something so comforting and cozy about pictures of cats sleeping. All must be well if they are relaxed and asleep.

    Good for you on the word count!
