Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me! (And a gift for y'all.)

Yes, it's that time of year again. No, not National Hot Fireman with a Cute Kitten Day, although it should be
You're Welcome, Ladies . In point of fact, it is my birthday. Tomorrow, April 28th, I will be 32 um...42 older than you are, probably. Definitely older than that fireman, more's the pity. Ahem.

Anyway, I started celebrating today with a lovely lunch with pals Ellie (who runs The Artisans Guild with me) and Bobbie (from Blue Moon Circle). We all went out to a great Cajun restaurant, where we ate way too much yummy food, including this guy:
(The owner, Bryan, had just gone to visit his family in Louisiana, and came back with some genuine Louisiana crayfish. Seriously--yum.)

Tomorrow, I will be going with my friend Ellen to a Beltane celebration outside of Binghamton. I may even dance around a May Pole. I'll let you know :-)

In the meanwhile, my fabulous critique partner Lisa sent me an amazing Tetsubin (a small Japanese cast iron tea pot--one of which is featured in her great YA series, so she wanted to make sure I knew what her character was talking about--lol)
Isn't is pretty? You can't quite tell from this picture, but it is a beautiful lavender color.

And I'm rewarding myself for finishing the novel revisions in time for my birthday by starting a book I have REALLY been looking forward to The Garden of Happy Endings by Barbara O'Neal.

I am having a lovely birthday, so I arranged with my fabulous webmistress/epub expert/newsletter goddess Robin Wright to use one of our remaining free days for my epubbed short story. (When you put a story up on Amazon under certain circumstances which she understands but I don't, see above, you get a total of 5 days when you can give the story away for free.) So, if you weren't around when we gave away Witch Upon a Star the last time, now is your big chance! From midnight EST tonight to midnight on the 28th, you can go to Amazon and download the short story (a paranormal romance set in the Star Stone series that starts with the novel, Witch Ever Way You Can ). Feel free to tell all your friends; I am happy to share. Happy birthday to me--and thank you all for another great year!


  1. Happy Happy! I hope you have a fabulous day.

  2. Happy birthday!Chronological wealth is to be savored. :)

  3. Happy birthday, and thank you so much for the kitten-toting, French-speaking fireman, whom I am immediately reblogging and posting to Facebook because every woman needs to see this before the liquor stores open! lol I hope your day is even slightly as special as you are, because if so then the Universe will sing arias and fairies will be engaged in major orgies in celebration, and it's always a good thing to make the Universe and fairies happy! :o)

  4. Yay! It's birthday weekend!!! Your's today and mine tomorrow. And I'm, um, older than that as well. Dinner tonight at a lovely little French Provencal restaurant in Lamberville with probably a wonder through the streets window shopping in the galleries and antique stores.

    Happy, happy day, Deb!!

  5. Thank you all! And Melissa--you rock :-)

  6. Hey Betty Bear! Happy birthday a day early :-) You're an almost twin too. (I'm actually 52.) Your plans sound amazing! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  7. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  8. Happy Birthday, Witchy! and thanks for the fireman with kitten-- that is probably the most exciting thing that will happen to me today!

  9. Happy birthday, girl! You're not so old. I figure you're just about halfway to the end, so that's young, right? To the ever-increasing middle age!

  10. Barb--me too :-)

    Thanks all! Love you lots!

  11. Happy Birthday Deb. And you are definitely not older than moi.
