Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nag, Nag, Nag...a Few Gentle Reminders

I've decided to make Tuesdays "Nag My Readers Day." No? How about "Blatant Self-Promo Day"? Otherwise known as "Remind me not to go to Deborah's blog on Tuesdays Day" (cough). Don't worry too much though--I'll probably have forgotten the plan by next Tuesday.

Today, I just wanted to remind you that my paranormal romance ebook is still available at Amazon for the low, low price of $2.99 -- tell all your friends. And maybe the mailman, your manicurist, and strangers you accost on the streets. Really, I'm not proud. (And the sales so far have been...kind of disappointing, so a few new ones would REALLY cheer this author up.)
You can also find the book in Nook form here:

More importantly, registration for the upcoming "Spells & Spell Casting" class over at the new workshop loop closes at 6 PM this coming Sunday, so if you are interesting in taking part in the class--suitable for both witches and authors writing witch characters--you only have a few days left to sign up here:

I will now return you to your regularly scheduled Hope it is a great one!

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