Saturday, February 25, 2012

Has Deborah Lost Her Mind? The Boots Version

Let me start out by saying that I am not a shoe person, per se. I don't even like to wear shoes, if I can avoid it. (Yes, I am an old hippie--why do you ask?)

I have plenty of shoes. More than I need, probably, despite not being one of those women who buys shoes. But most of my foot gear is flat and practical: clogs, low sandals, slumpy boots.

Which is why the picture you are currently looking at is a clear sign that I have lost my freaking mind. (Yes, I actually consider myself to be reasonably sane most of the time--why do you ask?)

I was leaving work yesterday and as I walked past the shoe store next door to my shop, I saw these boots through the window. Stopped me cold in my tracks. (And not just because it was snowing, and I actually WAS cold.) I looked at the boots. Then I looked at the big "SALE" sign. And despite my recent (and relatively successful) resolution to stop buying things I didn't need, I went into the store, tried them on, and bought them. All in about three minutes.

For one thing, they were on an insane sale: originally $64, on sale for $12.50--even with tax, I spent less than $13. But that's not why I bought them. I bought them because when I looked at them, they made me happy. When I picked them up, I felt joy. Why? I have no idea. They have freaking THREE INCH HEELS, for goddess's sake. I don't know where I'll wear them, except maybe at a conference somewhere. (Now if this had been a REALLY good sale, the boots would have come with a date. LOL.)

So, have I lost my mind? Apparently. But you know, they're sitting in the middle of the table right now, and they still make me happy. So I guess that's okay.

Have you found joy in something unexpected lately? I'd love to hear about it....


  1. I would wear the hell out of those boots. I say, if it makes you happy -- for under $13 dollars no less -- have at it. Oh, and do you know if they had any size 10s? (What?)

    1. Sorry--two pairs left, both size 9. But I wear a 9 and they were big on me...

    2. Damn. Well...enjoy them anyway. :)

  2. I am shoe girl, and those are CUTE! And such a perfect price.
    If you ever find the shoe+ date sale, please let me know!

  3. I'm the same way about shoes. If I wear them the hiking, combat, or converse variety. Life is too short not to give into a happy. (Hugs)Indigo

  4. Wow. Those are gorgeous! I totally would have bought them, for even twice that price (assuming I could squish my wide feet into them. Sigh).

    Sexy boots, a red chair...what's next? ;)

    1. They're actually a bit too wide (and I have wide feet). Put that's good, since there's room for an insert to cushion my feet against the height :-)

      I know! I know! I may be having a mid-life crisis :-) Or just following my pursuit of joy to new and crazy er...heights.

  5. I love this post. I have a big foot, and shoes are a constant bane of my existence, but I love the serendipity of your finding these boots. I have a handful of clothing items that I love, love, love, that I found under similar situations. (Most recently, a J. Jill store - I want to live the life of the women in their catalog - that was going out of business, and I found a pair of perfectly fitting lined wool slacks that I wear for virtually every dress up event in the winter...

  6. I tend not to spend much money on clothes (my wedding dress was a $75 Gunney Saks--half priced down from $150...although that may say more about the marriage than about my shopping habits, come to think of it). But if I find something I love that actually looks good on me, and won't go out of style any time soon, I tend to jump on it. Thankfully, my town has a number of nice consignment stores where I can find clothes someone ELSE spent a lot of money on...

  7. Oh, and Mindy, the "face" of my protagonist for the current WIP is a model I found in a full page Esprit ad :-)

  8. I can so see you in these, swirly-ish skirt, feeling all sexy and just rocking a conference! If they give you that much joy, they were totally worth it.

    Most of my clothing joy is soft, warm things I can only wear at home. But last night I had the joy of being ALL ALONE in my house eating a yummy dinner all of food I like and watching Downton Abbey. It was excellent.

    1. Sounds like my kind of clothes...and my kind of night!

  9. Love the boots. That shape and height of heel will be great. Had a similar pair some years back. Must have given them away, and now I want them back. : (

  10. Not a shoe person myself (other than my ubiquitous Chuck Taylors). But i found a whole horse skull with jaw at an antique store yesterday, which made me happy.

    1. Hey, to each her own :-)

      Which makes me wonder what happened to the skull of the deer that died on my lawn years ago. Might still be there, under the trees...

    2. Great boots! Deep sale, they fit, they look COOL. Money well spent.
      Maine Betty

  11. Fab boots! I cannot wear 3" heels for love nor money, but if you can, then BE crazy all you want because those look awesome!

    1. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure I can! That's why buying them was crazy :-)

  12. Totally rockin' boots, Deb! I want new've inspired me. I think I'll hit the mall tomorrow and find a sale...

    1. Heheheheheheh...I'm like a boot pusher. Hey, little girl, want a pair of boots?

  13. Great deal. And they don't *need* to come with a date. Wear the boots & one may find you! ;-)
