Wednesday, February 8, 2012

GIVEAWAY! Sabbats Almanac and Witches' Datebook

I was neatening up the other day (no, really) and realized that I had an extra copy of this year's Llewellyn Sabbats Annual (Samhain 2011-Mabon 2012) and Witches' Datebook 2012. Since I contributed articles to both, I got 2 free copies as part of my writing compensation. I'm using one copy of each for myself, of course, but that leaves me one copy of each to...


Of course, I have to make y'all do something to get them... *ponders*

Okay, how about this? You can do one of the following [and be sure to come back here and report that you've done it, so I put you in the contest]:
  1. Sign up to take the upcoming "Spells and Spell Casting" class at the new online witchcraft workshops loop.
  2. Or talk about the new loop or the classes somewhere online (FB, Twitter, your blog, etc.)
  3. Sign up to take my writing workshop, "Beyond Fangs: Creating New and Interesting Paranormal Characters," at SavvyAuthors. Class runs April 9-27.
  4. Or talk up the class anywhere online. (Especially if you've taken one of my writing classes before.)
  5. Buy a copy of my paranormal romance ebook, WITCH EVER WAY YOU CAN, on Amazon or over at B & N (if you happen to have a Nook)
  6. Or talk about the book online, as above. All reviews are happily accepted. If you happen to write a particularly snazzy one, I might even post a link here, as I did with the one the lovely Judy Long put up on her blog the other day.

As you can see, there are lots of easy options to enter this contest. If you do more than one, just tell me when you report back in the comments, and you'll get a contest entry for each item you've done. Easy peasey. I'll pick one random winner for each annual on Friday night, so you've got a couple of days to accomplish one of the above tasks and report back.

DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME IN A COMMENT THAT YOU'VE DONE IT! And anyone RT-ing or sharing this blog post gets TWO extra entries.

Are we having fun yet?

PS--In case you were wondering if people actual win these things, yes they do-- today I am sending out copies of the Alex Bledsoe book and the Mindy Klasky book that were won by people taking part in previous contests :-)


  1. Hey Deborah, I don't believe I have $15 I can join your workshop in Feb though I really really want to. Trying to get the money up for the ones in April. Also I tweeted, and facebooked about this blog, and about both workshops, I also did a blog repost about this blog post, and I already have left a review a while back on your book so I can't leave another one lol. Oh and I posted on Facebook that people should buy your book. Hope that helps get the word out to a few people :)

  2. Hi Deborah :)
    Just letting you know, I already have your new book on my Nook (Awesome, btw) and I just signed up for your class at the end of this month. Sounds like fun!!

    1. Yay, Josephine! Looking forward to seeing you there.

  3. Thanks, Gracielou! Wow--that's... *counts on fingers* six entries! Way to start us off!

  4. Hi,
    I loved your book Which Ever Way You Can and posted a review at Amazon. Plus I reccomended it on my facebook. Oh and I will take your intro course once we are done moving and renovating...not sure that counts

    Nancy F

    1. Thanks, Nancy F! The intro class won't be offered again until next year, probably. I think we're only going to be doing each class once a year, and not doing a class in every month (I know we're skipping July, November, and December--everything else is fluid at the moment). But there should be something else fun...
      Good luck with the moving!

  5. Your last class was good. I am so looking forward to the Spells class. Can't wait to start the Everyday Witch spellbook to prep for the class. I am almost finished with the Circle, Coven and Grove on Kindle and I am using it to work my first Full Moon ritual! a little nervous, but overall looking forward. I will remember to ground myself and have cakes and ale afterwards.
    Thanks for being you and your gift of writing!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the class. I'd have to say it is a good sign when a bunch of people from the first class sign up for the second one as soon as the first is over :-)

      Have fun with the books and I'll see you at the next one!

  6. Hi Debora B.
    Does it count if I have already bought the book? I got it from Amazon for my Kindle. Finally got to finish it. (Work! All I ever do.) Intersting to see what is going to happen with the bi-coastal romance and the Star Stone. Wonder how she is going to handle its power? A number of intersting paths for her. Hope there is a sequel!
    Deborah C.

    1. Deborah C.--
      Well, it counts towards my gratitude! But if you want an entry to this contest, you'll have to go brag about it somewhere. Since you got it from Amazon, you can put up a review there--that will count. OR just put up something somewhere online. Then come back and tell me, of course.
      There will only be a sequel if the book sells really well, alas, although I had one started, back in the day, so you never know...

  7. Hey Deborah, I was wondering do you open your online writing class for the people livin outside of America with different time zone? I am, again, from Malaysia.

    1. Hi RJ,
      The classes are open to anyone, no matter where they live! Because the lessons are posted in the morning and people can respond any time, you should still be able to follow along with no problem. Hope to see you there.

  8. Hi,
    I signed up for the class! Can't wait! I also posted it on my groups facebook and twitter sites.

  9. Hi Deborah B.,
    I signed up for the Spellcasting class. Looking forward to it.
    Deborah C.

  10. And we have a winner! Well, two winners, really. GracieLou wins the Sabbats Almanac and Amber wins the Witches' Datebook.

    Congrats to you both, and thanks to everyone who played along.

    The winners should email me at magicmysticminerva at yahoo with their full names and mailing addresses.
