Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be My Valentine

I may not have a significant other to share my Valentine's Day with, but I have something that might be even better...

LOTS and lots of wonderful folks who come here, follow me on Twitter and Facebook, read (and sometimes even buy) my books, and generally support me in a thousand little ways.

Big Valentine kisses go out especially to the lovely Heather Long (who helped me set up and run the new workshop loop), my agent Elaine Spencer (who works tirelessly to move my writing career forward), Elysia Gallo (best editor on the planet), and Lisa DiDio, best critique partner on the planet.

And many heartfelt thanks to you, my readers. Without you, there would be no point in writing.

Will you be my Valentine? Please say you will!


  1. Yes, I would be honored to be your Valentine. I'm sure you'll get other offers... I'm happy being one of your Valentines. Accept? <3

    1. Aw. Thanks! I can't imagine a Valentine nicer than you :-)

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, Deborah B.
    - Deborah C.

  3. I'll happily be your Valentine! Have a lovely day!

  4. A day late! Back from the the woods again! Love you, lady! ((HUGS))
