Thursday, January 19, 2012

Highly Recommended for Writers: Candace Havens' Fast Draft Workshop

For those of you who are aspiring writers, or writers who could use a kick in the (ahem) to get you going, I highly recommend author Candace Havens'Fast Draft Workshop, which is starting soon.

Fast Draft and Revision Hell Beginning January 22, 2012.
In the new version of Fast Draft, Candy teaches you how to let go of that internal editor and let your creativity flow. She has exercises and advice that will help you get those words on the page faster than you ever imagined. The last two weeks of the class are devoted to Revision Hell. Candy will take you through revisions so you may polish your prose to perfection. The best part is you must be accountable to the class on a daily basis and Candy is there to cheer you on or kick your butt, whatever the case may be. Cost is $20. 
Go check it out.


  1. Candace is a great writer and such a kind soul! Thanks for sharing.

    1. She is both of those! And an amazing mentor for up-and-coming writers. She really lives the "pay it forward" philosophy, which is why I try to do the same for her.

      Has anyone here read her books? They're amazing!
