Monday, December 5, 2011

BIG NEWS! The Sekrit Project is HERE!!!

Once upon a time, there was a book. It was called Witch Ever Way You Can, and it was the first novel I sent out into the world. My first child, if you will. Witch Ever Way You Can spent about two years being submitted to agents and about a year on the RWA chapters contest circuit. It got a great response: agents loved it, editors loved it, my critique partners and first readers loved it, and it garnered all sorts of finals and wins in contests, including the much-sought-after EMILY "Best of the Best" Award. Author Candace Havens (then just someone I admired mightily, now a friend and colleague) even gave me first prize in a contest she was judging and recommended me to her (and now my) agent Elaine Spencer because of it.

But it wasn't "High Concept" enough to sell in an increasingly tough publishing market. Agents kept telling me, "Two years ago, I could have sold this in a heartbeat, but things are very tight now." If you are an author, you may have heard that one yourself. *headdesk*

Eventually, I wrote another couple of books, including Pentacles and Pentimentos which got me signed with Elaine and is currently out on submission. But I never forgot about my first baby.

So when Candace and I were talking a couple of months ago about how long it takes to get a publishing contract these days, and how people kept asking me, "When am I going to be able to read one of your novels?!" she had this suggestion: why not epublish Witch Ever Way You Can?

I talked to a couple of author friends who had epubbed some of their backlist (older books they'd gotten the rights back on) or even new novels they couldn't find a home for with a conventional publisher. They said, "Go for it!" And I talked to Elaine (because you always run important decisions by your agent), and she said, "Go for it!"

And with the help of my uber-savvy friend and webmistress, the brilliant Robin Wright, I did. Ta da!

Witch Ever Way You Can is now available for your Kindle at Amazon, and will be available soon from B & N and another couple of places. I'll post links as soon as I have them. (The Amazon link is below.) I've priced it fairly low--$2.99--because I wanted to reward all the faithful folks who have asked for a novel for so long. I hope that people will buy it for themselves, as gifts for their friends, and pass the word (pretty please!) to anyone they think might like a paranormal romance told with a humorous voice. It's about a Witch, of course.

I'll probably run some kind of giveaway contest soon...just have to come up with something suitable good! In the meanwhile, who is going to be the first to buy it? Maybe you?


  1. Woohoo! Looks like a great book.

  2. OHBOYOHBOYOHBOY. I just bought it. Can't wait to read it once I am done with finals!!! Goodie, goodie,goodie.

  3. Congrats. Ill be getting it tomorrow when I get paid! Cant wait :)

  4. Excellent! It looks wonderful, and I'll definitely be picking up a copy! Congrats, Deborah - it must be nice to see your "baby" out there in the world!

  5. Wow! I've had such a great response to this, here and on FB, I've decided on my first contest!

    ANyone who buys the book today (you have to tell me here or on FB so I know) will get their name put in a hat for a prize! (If you can't buy it today, but want to spread the word on your blog, FB, Twitter or anywhere else, that will count too. Just remember to come tell me you did it!)

  6. Ooooooooh, I loooove the cover!! Can't wait to read this! :o)

  7. Yay!! I hez new book!!! but I wasn't first, was I? :( BUT, I hez new book!!!!

  8. Awesome!!! Just got it and reading it on my phone! Thx!

  9. Congratulations! What a great accomplishment! :o)

  10. Congratulations! I'm going to pass along the good news!

  11. Yay! I don't have Kindle, but I'll pass the word along. I will read it at some point in the technology, and I can't wait!

  12. Ok, I was speed reading and rush to buy the book on amazon. Darn, i don't have a kindle, but i will pass on the word on my facebook page.

  13. I would love to review it and put it on my witchy blog to help give you some press. ;)

  14. Yes! Just got it starting it tonight!!

  15. Just ordered it. Fabulous! And super congratulations to you. Now I have to hurry up and finish the current book so I can delve into yours. Can't wait. : )

  16. I'll be putting this on my holiday wish list. Or possibly as the indulgence of the week. I'm very excited!

  17. I will get a copy as soon as it is available on NOOK.

  18. WTG Deborah!

    I can't wait until I can get it for my Nook.

  19. As soon as the Nook link hits, I'll be grabbing it.


  20. congrats Deborah! and great cover. Shared on FB.

  21. WOW! You all ROCK! I can't believe how wonderful the response has been to this.

    *hugs everyone*

    For those of you who want the Nook version, we're going to get it up as soon as we can. (Poor Robin, whose staunch work launched this book, just came down with a cold. So it may take a bit longer than we planned. But I promise, we'll get there.)

    Thanks so much for the enthusiastic response. I'll be putting names into a hat tomorrow and pulling out a winner. Of what...I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll let the winner chose between a signed book or a pair of handmade earrings...

    Thanks again--you really made me feel like I made the right decision in putting this book out.

    *runs off sniffling*

  22. Congratulations! It looks very well put together! I'm thinking about doing this as well, for a shorter work.

  23. Awesome cover I must say. Will get it real soon! (n_n)V

  24. I own a Nook - I can't wait to have it. Will it be coming on Nook soon?

  25. Huge Congrats, Deborah! I just bought it. Knowing how informative you are in yournon-fiction witch books (and classes), I look forward to reading a witch story with accurate information.

  26. Thanks Julie!

    We hope to have the Nook version out by the end of the all depends on the cold my poor friend Robin came down with.

  27. I have to come back and say thank you! Yesterday was gray and rainy and icky and I have a cold and a bad back but reading your book made it all better! Fun, entertaining, though-provoking, and when are you putting out another?

  28. Thanks Karen, you made my day! I'm so glad you liked it.

    Whether or not I put out another one will depend on how well this one does, so be sure to spread the word :-)

    And if you feel like leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads, it would be much appreciated!

  29. And the winner is Barb Nelson, over at FAcebook!

  30. Congratulations! I hope to be able to read it soon too! Julie
    : )

  31. Congradulations!! Any chance it will be in the Canadian bookstore chain Chapters soon? :)

  32. Chris,
    It is only out as an ebook for now, but you should be able to get it through Amazon.
