The adventures of a Witch who writes nonfiction and fiction. Author of 11 books from Llewellyn, including The Little Book of Cat Magic and Everyday Witchcraft as well as The Baba Yaga, Broken Rider, and Veiled Magic series from Berkley Romance
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Six Years Ago Today: Robin & George
On this day six years ago, I officiated at the wedding of two of my favorite people: Robin and George Wright. Performing that particular ceremony was an honor and a joy, because they were good friends, a lovely couple and very much in love. Six years, two children, and many changes later, they still are. And I still hold the memories of this day among my most precious. Happy anniversary, Robin and George! I'm so glad to be a part of this enduring love story. You make me believe in magic.
Congrats and Yay for Love and Magic