Sunday, September 18, 2011

Giving Online Witchcraft Classes?

I got an interesting question yesterday (from one of my readers, through Facebook)--she asked if I ever gave online Witchcraft classes.

And the answer was, no, I don't. In fact, it never occurred to me to do so, even though I often get people asking me Witchcraft-related questions, and I have been giving very successful and popular online writing classes for years. And wrote all those books and articles about it, of course.


So here is my question for YOU: does anyone want me to give online Witchcraft classes? And if I did, which would you be most interested in--

  1. Intro to Witchcraft (Wicca/Witchcraft 101 -- very basic explanations of what it is all about)

  2. "Following the Path" (Somewhat more advanced -- "what do I do next?" "how do I practice on an ongoing basis?" kind of things)

  3. Basic Spellcasting

  4. All of the above

And also, what do you think would be a reasonable price to pay for such a class, if you wanted to take one? (Keeping in mind that the time and energy it takes to create and put it on requires some kind of payment, or I can't affort to take the time to do it.)

  1. $5

  2. $7.50

  3. $10

  4. $15

Last question--if you were going to take these classes, would you prefer them to be

  1. 1 day only

  2. 3 days

  3. 5 days

I appreciate any input you can give me, as I ponder this idea. Thanks!


  1. I would be interested in all of the above. Actually, I would be interested in something that went over a longer period and perhaps went into more depth. I'd also be willing to pay more for that.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the way of classes.

  2. I would be interested two out of three classes, Following the path and Basic Spellcasting. As for cost of the class I think $15 is very reasonable. I'm have been to a couple of classes and I think that You can cover more in a 5 day class.

  3. Hi Deborah,

    I'd be interested in all of the above and would gladly pay $15 for a 5 day class.


  4. I'd be interested in the first two. I think $15 per class is reasonable. I've seen folks charge more than that for a couple hours in a webinar - when all they do is talk at you, and you have limited opportunity for questioning.

    Personally speaking I'd prefer a 1 or 3 day class, especially if it was over a weekend.


  5. I agree - I would be interested in particular in the second two topics, and would certainly pay $15.00 for 5-day course.

  6. I would like to see all the above and one day classes, $5 is very reasonable.

    I DO so hope this takes off!!!!

  7. I would definitely be interested I am sure you would do well with all of the above for people who be interested- I would personally post to my two groups on facebook to spread the word :) I personally would like the second ( more advanced). I would pay whatever costs :)

  8. Hi Deborah B.,
    To answer the questions posted: I’d prefer the advanced, how to practice on a day-to-day basis, and basic Spellcasting. $15.00 for no more than 5 days would be fine.
    Thanks for considering this. It would be a great intro for many who have not read your books and would be a great reinforcement of the lessons and advice given in your books for those of us who have read them.
    Deborah C.

  9. Great question, Deborah. I agree with bastet that the advanced and spellcasting would be more where I am at. I think $15 for a 3-5 day workshop (because length would depend on the content) would be a good benchmark.

    Please keep us posted
    Many Blessings

  10. I would be interested in all of them, but wonder if that is appropriate since I am approaching this as a writer seeking to be as truthful, respectful, and accurate as possible in my stories. While my heart, spirit and energy would certainly be focused on learning spellcasting, I think full disclosure of my intent is important.

    The cost seems very reasonable, but I wonder if five days is enough.

  11. I would be interested. I am a solitary and would like to have more interactive rather than just books.

    I would even be interested in a year and a day for a first degree initiation or even on going through the five degrees. Just thought I would through that out there.

  12. I would definitely be interested in the basics. Perhaps afterwards I would be interested in more advanced classes. Didn't you post on BettyVerse sometime about offering classes or blogging about basic witchcraft and the differences between Wicca, witchcraft, etc.? As I recall a number of people were interested in the basics. Go for it! And I would think $15 would be reasonable, although I really don't know how much time it would take you to do it.

  13. A.F.--I love the idea of a year and a day class, but that would definitely take more time than I have!

    I'm teaching an online writing class in October, so I wouldn't be able to give the first of these until November, but I am thinking there is enough interest to give it a try...

  14. Carole Ann--It would be fine for you to take the classes for informational purposes only. I do give an online writing class called "Witchcraft for the Paranormal Author," but the next one won't be given until August 2012, as my schedule now looks. So you'd be welcome to take any of these.

    I was also thinking that the "Intro" class would be good for witches to suggest to family members who might be confused or worried about what witchcraft really is.

  15. I would be interested in the last two, with at least a 5 day run as I think those two areas would require more time. The prices you quoted are definitely reasonable. I actually would have expected to pay a little more.

  16. Here is my 2 cents! I like the idea of all three classes personally.

    Intro to Witchcraft - 1 day - $5
    Following the Path (Advanced) - 5 day - $15
    Basic Spellcasting - 3 day - $10

  17. Hi Deborah,
    I would love to to take a class in the intro and advanced. I think $5 for 1 day and $15 for 5 days is reasonable. I'd think the length of time for the class would depend on how much material there is in the class. Thank you for offering!


  18. I would be interested in all of the above!!! and would totally pay $15 for a five day class!!

    I can't wait for the Witchcraft for the Paranormal Author!!! Wait it's August not April - man. But that's what I really need!.

    I also took your Beyond Fangs class and loved it!!

    Thank you and I hope you develop a class.


  19. Hi Deborah! I would love any and all of thecl classes you're thinking of! I think you are a phenomenal writer & teacher as well!! I think 5 days so the i formation can be spread out and taken in. Also you're fees are more than fair. I really, really hope you are able to do this! I'll happily look forward to updates....

  20. Thanks Anastacia and Diane! I'm amazed by the enthusiasm people have had for this idea. I do think I'm going to give a couple of classes. The first one might be as early as November, depending on what I can get set up. I'll keep you posted here!

  21. Hi Deborah! I love your books and would be thrilled to take any classes you would offer. I'm excited to hear that things are in the works!


  22. HI Deborah,

    I would love to take all of the above and pay for it without a problem. Maybe longer than a week, its a lot of information.
    Jo Anne
