Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CONTEST What I'm Working on Now: The Llewellyn Annuals

It's that time of year again. No, not fall (not quite). It's time for me to write articles for the Llewellyn Annuals and Almanacs. And, as you can see above, get my copies of the ones I wrote last year! [Yay! Author perk! Woot!]

Don't worry; they'll be out soon and you all can run and get a copy of your favorite. Or favorites. Be sure and come back here and tell me if you liked one of my articles. Pretty please.

I'm really excited to be featured in the Spell-A-Day Almanac for the first time, along with the Witches' Datebook. These two are so handy, everyone should have one! But if I had to pick a favorite, I think it would be the Witches' Companion: An Almanac for Everyday Living. I am the "Everyday Witch," after all.

This year's Witches' Companion features some of my favorite Pagan authors, including Gail Wood, Lupa, Mickie Mueller, Blake Octavian Blair (us Blake's have to stick together), Ann Moura, Tess Whitehurst, Denise Dumars, and my new fav Melanie Marquis--along with a whole lot of other great folks, too long a list to write here. I also have an article about finding your personal goddess in the Magical Almanac, and talk about Imbolc in the Sabbats Almanac.

As for what I'm working on now...I have two articles for next year's Magical Almanac, a really fun one on "Kitchen Alchemy" for the Witches' Companion, and I'm doing Yule for the Sabbats Almanac. These articles are a blast to write, and I hope that people find them informative and fun to read.

What's that? You want to know why the word "contest" is in big letters in the title of this blog? Gee, I knew I was forgetting something!

I'm so excited about the new annuals, I'm going to do another contest here to celebrate. Here's what we're going to do: leave me a comment about which almanac or annual is your favorite and why. You get an extra point if you can tell me which one of my articles is your favorite. (Well, not really, but I'd still love to know.) And, of course, I'd love it if you want to Tweet or Facebook or otherwise pass the word about this blog post. At the end of the week, Friday night at nine EST, I'll randomly pick a commenter to win one of the following: Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac 2012, 2012, Witches' Companion, or this year's Sabbats Almanac--winner's choice!

So, which is your favorite Llewellyn Annual?


  1. I think my favourite is also the Witches' Companion - an important part of my practice is finding the magical in the mundane!

    Amazing giveaway, how exciting to see your work in print!

  2. I really like the Sabbats Almanac. It always has so much stuff in it there's no way I can use it all in a year! And, I can come back to it another year and use it all over again!

  3. my favorite is the witches datebook. i use it all of the time. the information, especially the the moon v/c, help me.

  4. I'm a Magical Almanac fan. I like to have a quick glance at each day and know what sign we are in or passing through, and I love all the articles.

    I really liked yours this year on Spiritual Housecleaning. Having a magical mindset when I clean really helps to clear my space as well as make it shine!

    Can't wait to read your articles in the new almanacs!

  5. Witches Companion, has so much useful workings in it. All are very useful Deborah, the Companion is my favorite . I appreciate all of your workings and talent..

  6. The companion and the datebook are an essential to have, I refer to them both and get a lot of good ideas from them...on a daily basis

  7. I have had all of these almanacs or annuals EXCEPT for the Witches' Companion, never bought that one. The Magical Almanac is my favorite because of the stories. Over the years I have seen different authors write about a common topic and it is always interesting to see what another person's take is on the same subject.

    The Witches' Date book is usually an impulse buy--2012 would be one of those impulse years. My favorite article of yours is Energy & Light since I am feeling sluggish and could use some help. I almost picked Spring Cleaning but I am not feeling so ambitious. lol

  8. My favorite annual is the Witches' Datebook. I get one every year and use it daily. I love that it is filled with beautiful art, bits of info about the moons, sabbats, etc... and of course, I love the recipes! :)

  9. I love the Witches' Companion because of its eclectic nature and how it offers so many ways to incorporate the spirituality and magickal in day-to-day living... somethingg I sometimes struggle with. I haven't ever picked up the spell-a-day, but I might just have to have a look this year! My favorite Deborah Blake offering is still your BOOK, The Goddess is in the Details. I am looking forward especially to your article on personal goddesses, though!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love the Witche's Companion, I read it every morning, it's a day-by-day book...the Witche's date book book is also another fav of my. I think I migh get the Witche's Spell-A-Day Almanac this year...:o)
    All the almanacs are an excellent choice.

  12. Well since I'm such a new Witch I have only purchased one of these and it was the Witches Datebook 2011. I love the articles, and recipes as well as the correspondences within. It helps me keep track of the moon cycles since it's something I have been clueless to before-hand... :-)

  13. Thanks for the wonderful mention my Blake-sister! I love writing for all the Annuals I've been a part of. I am fond of the Witches' Companion too and next year (2013 editions) I will again be featured in the Magical Almanac and the Witches' Companion and it will be my first year for the Spell-A-Day which was super fun to write for! The Spells really got my creative juices flowing! Great contest and good luck to all contestants!

    Blake Octavian Blair

  14. I love the Witches Spell a Day Almanac the most b/c of how many different spells are in it. But my true fave, which no one else has mentioned is the Herbal Almanac. I know it wasn't in the picture, but I have to give it a shout out. Good luck everyone and I can't wait to read your articles.

  15. I love the Witches Spell a Day Almanac the most b/c of how many different spells are in it. But my true fave, which no one else has mentioned is the Herbal Almanac. I know it wasn't in the picture, but I have to give it a shout out. Good luck everyone and I can't wait to read your articles.

  16. my favorite is the witches datebook, I always try to get it when I can.

  17. I love all of them but,I get a datebook every year and put all my rituals and events for the year. I put phone number in the back and highlight the moons and put those color coded label tabs so i don't forget.

  18. Wow! Lots of great comments. I love how everyone has their favorites.

  19. I love the datebook. I am new to this journey and lifestyle and it helps keep me on track!

  20. My favorite annual is the Witches Companion. The articles are usually a little longer than the ones in the Magical Almanac (which I still love) and the author gets to expand more on her/his thoughts and present more information, so for me they're a little more interesting. I love reading about a variety of ideas in one volume, that's just great. My favorite Deborah Blake article was actually co-written with two others, and was something like "Top 3 Rules for Pagan Living".

  21. The companion. Makes understanding for a novice, much easier. You are a good and patient teacher.

  22. Enjoy them all but really like the Witches Companion as so much info in there. I also get the Witches datebook each year and look forward to your article in there this year. blessings

  23. Absolutly love the Witches Companion there is so much information packed inside that small book. And the small size fits inside a purse so I always have something to read when I take Mama to a Doctor appt. I also always get the Witches datebook and so look forward to your articles in there this year. blessings

  24. Sadly, I have not yet had the pleasure of reading your books. That's because they're not available in the German language (unless you would like me to translate them for you), and if does happen to have one or two of them available, their exorbitant transport costs make getting ahold of one of your books prohibitive.
    However, given the choice, I would like to read the Magical Almanac. From what I gather, it appears to be a genial collection of short pieces on the craft, legends, traditions, stories, facts, myths and folklore - things I enjoy reading about and love to research. It would be a pleasure to read those all those stories I've been missing out on.
    And perhaps I might be able to return the favour by sending you a few stories about a some of the lost Celtic traditions you might not have heard about, such as the newly discovered woodhenge in the middle of Europe, and few other things.

  25. This looks wonderful!
    I have not had the chance to read the ones posted, but am looking forward to it. Being in school through the Aquarian Tabernacle Church in Seminary keeps me busy along with my new Granddaughter Khloee!
    Glad to meet all of you Witchy People out there!
    Brightest Blessings!!



    I had my pal, author Candace Havens, pick a random number (we were on Twitter at the time). And Melissa was the 9th commenter.

    Melissa, email me at magicmysticminerva at yahoo and tell me which annual you want and where to send it! Congrats!

    I promise to catch up with the rest of the comments, too--you were all great! (I wish I had enough annuals for everyone.)
