Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chicklit Writers Guest Blog Post

I am a member of a number of online RWA writing chapters (since I don't have an in-person one anywhere near me). The first one I joined, three or more years ago, was the Chick Lit Writers of the World. I love this group of women (and one man, Hi Chuck!). They are generous, smart, and great writers. And yes, I know that Chick Lit is supposed to be dead, but believe me, it isn't--mostly just recreated under a new bunch of names, like Women's Fiction.

The year I spent doing the writing contest circuit, I took part in the chapter's contest, "Get Your Stiletto in the Door," twice--once at the beginning and once at the end...and finalled both times. Yay! Little wonder it is one of my favorites.

Today I am guest blogging about my experiences with the Stiletto and contests in general. Go check it out. And if you do the contest thing, I'd definitely take a look at entering the Stiletto. As long as you have some humor and some romance in your manuscript, I'll bet you can find a category that works for you.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Contest Winner Melissa and Borrowed Husbands

Melissa is the winner! Contact me, Melissa and tell me which annual you want. (email me at magicmysticminerva at yahoo)

Today was "rent a husband" day. Snort. My pals Robin and Jess were kind enough to let me borrow their husbands for the day to get some major outside work done that I couldn't do myself. (I paid them, of course--it was a lot of work.)

Yay George! Yay Andrew! George got here about 8:30 and Andrew at 11, and I worked outside with both of them until about 4. They took down some pieces of trees and shrubberies that had gotten way overgrown, George re-wired a broken light for me (damned ice chunk!), Andrew mowed, and stuff like that.

But the big thing was the entrance to the house. Because I live in the country, the back door is where everyone enters the house. And I suddenly realized the other day that while I'd been cleaning, reorganizing and throwing out stuff INSIDE the house (in part to revamp the energy in a positive way, and in part because the stuff was just making me crazy), the outside of the house looked like sh*t. The concrete pavers that led to the door were cracked and crumbling and ugly gray. The door, which was installed 10 years ago, after I moved in, was still gray primer. There were weeds and piles of crap everywhere. NOT good feng shui, that's for sure. Also not pretty.

So George redid the pavers, and moved some hostas I had by the barn. And I FINALLY painted the danged door. Now it looks like this:

Yay! I'm going to buy a few pots of colorful flowers to jazz it up even more, but for now, I am tired and happy and very grateful for borrowed husbands.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CONTEST What I'm Working on Now: The Llewellyn Annuals

It's that time of year again. No, not fall (not quite). It's time for me to write articles for the Llewellyn Annuals and Almanacs. And, as you can see above, get my copies of the ones I wrote last year! [Yay! Author perk! Woot!]

Don't worry; they'll be out soon and you all can run and get a copy of your favorite. Or favorites. Be sure and come back here and tell me if you liked one of my articles. Pretty please.

I'm really excited to be featured in the Spell-A-Day Almanac for the first time, along with the Witches' Datebook. These two are so handy, everyone should have one! But if I had to pick a favorite, I think it would be the Witches' Companion: An Almanac for Everyday Living. I am the "Everyday Witch," after all.

This year's Witches' Companion features some of my favorite Pagan authors, including Gail Wood, Lupa, Mickie Mueller, Blake Octavian Blair (us Blake's have to stick together), Ann Moura, Tess Whitehurst, Denise Dumars, and my new fav Melanie Marquis--along with a whole lot of other great folks, too long a list to write here. I also have an article about finding your personal goddess in the Magical Almanac, and talk about Imbolc in the Sabbats Almanac.

As for what I'm working on now...I have two articles for next year's Magical Almanac, a really fun one on "Kitchen Alchemy" for the Witches' Companion, and I'm doing Yule for the Sabbats Almanac. These articles are a blast to write, and I hope that people find them informative and fun to read.

What's that? You want to know why the word "contest" is in big letters in the title of this blog? Gee, I knew I was forgetting something!

I'm so excited about the new annuals, I'm going to do another contest here to celebrate. Here's what we're going to do: leave me a comment about which almanac or annual is your favorite and why. You get an extra point if you can tell me which one of my articles is your favorite. (Well, not really, but I'd still love to know.) And, of course, I'd love it if you want to Tweet or Facebook or otherwise pass the word about this blog post. At the end of the week, Friday night at nine EST, I'll randomly pick a commenter to win one of the following: Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac 2012, 2012, Witches' Companion, or this year's Sabbats Almanac--winner's choice!

So, which is your favorite Llewellyn Annual?

Monday, August 15, 2011

An Interview with Magic the Cat

My co-author, the fabulous Magic the Cat, has finally gotten her own interview over at The Magical Buffet. (Seriously, they asked to interview HER, not me!0

Check it out, and see why, yes, she IS the boss of me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

See the Moon, the Lovely Moon

Last night was the full moon, and boy, was it a spectacular one! Blue Moon Circle and I actually gathered on the Friday night, so last night I went out and did my own ritual.

We're in the midst of Mercury in Retrograde, which most people think of as a time when electronic and mechanical things tend to go flooey (and it is that), but this time is also good for particular work--this time around, it is releasing.

I released some stuff I've been carrying around for a loooonggg time: old loves and failed relationships, and the guilt, fear, and loss that remain long after the two of you have gone your separate ways. I feel *lighter* somehow now...

If you were going to go out tonight and stand under the light of the moon, the lovely moon, what would you release back into the universe?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Moguls's Maybe Marriage (Mindy Klasky does it again)

I am a big fan of Mindy Klasky's writing--especially her Jane Madison series about a librarian that becomes a witch. (Really; what's not to like?) But I don't normally read the classic Harlequin romance lines, so I wasn't sure what I'd think about her new book, which is a Special Edition Harlequin.

I have to say, I picked it up today at Borders and it looks WAY COOL! And these books are only out for about a month, so you need to run out and get it now.

Here is the link, in case you're curious

Don't take my word for it, just ask Samhain!