Monday, July 11, 2011

CONTEST! Awards celebration book giveaway

As y'all know, I won the COVR "Visionary" Award for Best Wicca/Paganism Book with my latest, Witchcraft on a Shoestring (Llewellyn, 2010).

This seems worthy of celebration, so I've decided to hold a contest for all the lovely folks who have been kind enough to read the book. Here's how it is going to work:

The book contains, among other things, an assortment of inexpensive recipes and craft projects. Tell me what your favorite recipe or project is, or which ones you have done (along with how you did them, or what happened, or any other personal tidbit). The most interesting response will get put up on my website, and the person who submitted it will win a free autographed copy of Witchcraft on a Shoestring or any other of my books.

If you haven't read the book yet (gasp!) you can go to Amazon and check the Table of Contents for a list--then tell me which recipe or project sounds like the most fun, and why. (Feel free to buy the book while you're there...)

Contest will run through Friday, so you have plenty of time to think about it, and spread the word (pretty please).

Thanks to all for your congratulations! They warmed this Witch's cold, cold heart :-)


  1. Ok, so I was browsing the table of contents, and really was going to be more creative, but then I ran across the "Corn Dollies", which I know are little dolls made from corn husks (I used to make them with the husks from our corn on the cob in the summer), but I read it a Corn Doilies and I was imagining the lace patterns made from corn husks draped on the back of chairs and arranged on side tables, and just laughed. Therefore, I had to share.

  2. Corn doilies...that I'd pay to see! Har. Thanks for sharing :-)

  3. Congrats again on the award. I haven't had a chance to read the book (although I have read all of your others) but looking through the Table of Contents, my first choice would me making a Protection Charm for the Home. I love using Witchcraft to protect my family--I have 5 children. I also feel that this is something the children could understand and participate in making. Can't wait to read the book!! --Sarah

  4. I was really excited when I heard about this book coming out, but have not been able to budget it quite yet. I am looking forward to reading it though - especially for the tips on inexpensive substitutions and feast ideas. There are several crafts that I am interested in, because I can get my daughter involved so that she can learn a little more about what I believe in. For example - the corn dollies and the candle making. I think, the one I want to read mostly for me, is the Yule wreath.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i personally like the rune set project. i have always been interested in runes but the sets i see for sale either don't quite call to me or are far too expensive for me to purchase. since this is Witchcraft on a Shoestring, it fits my budget and, if i don't like my own end product, i can try again till i get them just right for me! Thank you Deborah for giving witches on a budget fantastic, inexpensive ideas on how to practice our craft in these tough economic times and make the most of each dollar on our craft budget!

    i have the book in kindle format.

  7. This book has been on my Amazon 'Witch List' for a little while. Now that it is award winning I ought put it in my library! All the tips and crafts look great. Imbolc is my favourite sabbat (Brigit is the brightest light in my goddess pantheon) and I am particularly looking forward to baking and eating the Tres Leches Pie! Yummy!

    P.S. Thanks for 'The Goddess is in the Details'! I plan to go back through it and do the exercises in greater detail this year.

  8. I haven't read the book yet, but it has gone right on my Amazon wish list!! As I'm definitely on a shoestring budget right now after being laid off, I'm really intrigued and excited about the subject matter of this book. I've also always been a "thrifty witch" who loves to scour Goodwill, yardsales and other places for unique items to transform into spiritual tools.

    I think that the "Homemade Herbal Paper" would be really fun to try. I love unique writing instruments, fancy paper and the art of the written word, and have always been interested in making paper as well. Plus, I can't recall ever seeing a project like this in any of my other metaphysical books - very unique and fun sounding!

    I look forward to exploring this book, hopefully soon! Blessed Be!!

  9. As an unemployed (for now) mum, I am so glad to see this I am doing everything on a shoestring! I am particularly drawn to the sections on scrying mirrors and stone scrying. Ever since reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel (my favorite book!), I have been interested in the power of mirrors and reflective surfaces. I hope to experiment myself with my 'sight' and see what I can see!


  10. I haven't read the book yet (trying to save money and my library hasn't a copy free yet!!) but glancing at the table of contents I would most like to try the Healing Bath Bags as I've got a weak immune system and any extra umph is good!

    I'd also like to try the Lemon & Thyme Potato Gratin because I love to eat XD

  11. Congrats on your award by looking at the table of contents it is well deserved. But do I have to pick one project? there looks to bee too many good projects to choose just one of them. if i had to choose i suppose I would have to go with the success sachet I mean who nowadays cant use some more success?

  12. Congratulations on your award! That is wonderful! :)

    Knot magic has always fascinated me, but I haven't had the chance to learn much about it. Our house is full of string and yarn, so it would be easy to apply. The success sachet is also one we could really use to jumpstart our little home business. We have a large family, so we do everything on a budget. Thank you for writing this book to address this.

  13. First, congrats on the award! I haven't been able to buy the book yet, but the TOC caught my eye because I have a major pile of natural beeswax (right now melting in the summer heat) that I've always wanted to turn into candles. I've been feeling a calling to reconnect with this side of my life for a while now. This may be the universe saying "Go for it!"

  14. Hi Deborah, my favorite project to date was a binding spell involving a spool of green thread, 3 bay leafs and an old horseshoe. I divorced then and with the threat of my ex trying to take my home looming over me til this day... I wound the horseshoe entirely with the thread whilst reciting a chant I created "Let us live comfortably with peace and joy to remain in this home free of worry for as long as we wish to stay." and wove the 3 bay leafs onto it. It's been hanging on my wall if front of me for 2 yrs. now, facing North. ;) Congratulations on your recent Award! ~blessed be~

  15. I'm looking forward to reading the instructions on making your own wand... I've always loved woodworking. Tres Leches anything is a favorite in our home so I look forward to the pie as well. So many of the projects and recipes I see here are so appealing.

  16. I love the idea behind your book!! I am most interested in the chapter concerning creating clay God and Goddess figures. I'm always on the lookout for figurines that "speak to me" and I have yet to find them. Perhaps the answer is to create my own! I have ideas in my head, and I'm sure the guidance you offer in the book is exactly what it need to bring them to life :)

  17. My apologies, I believe I misunderstood what you were asking of us. When I looked at amazon, I couldn't view the crafts or recipes and was thinking you were asking of our own that we have tried and the outcomes. I did, however, find your recipe for rum cake whilst researching. That's a keeper! Hope my submission still counts. I would cherish this book. I also love holy water, such as melted snow from Christmas Day that I keep on hand to use to bless my home.

  18. A Witch's Herbal Broom, because I grow herbs all over my yard and have also started a witch's garden. I think they wold make excellent Yule gifts for friends and family.

    Also Healing Candles. I am a beekeeper and always looking for new creative uses for leftover beeswax.

    Both of these ideas, can be worked using what gifts I have been blessed with and could not only benefit me, but others as well.

  19. I'm learning metalsmithing so the stone section with stone scrying has big appeal for me, a great way to integrate with my silver work. So much about the Table of Contents (no I don't have your book yet, I'm brand new at this) the entire candle section appeals to me and I was going to say just the crafty stuff but then I saw some of the there something in your book that helps with decision making? LOL

  20. There are so many projects and recipes that I want to try in this book, it's not even funny. LOL! But I think I'm going to be making the Ellen's Ginger Moon Cookies for the full moon this week. Possibly also the Rosemary Shortbread Cookies.

    I'm also incredibly interested in the Tarot Card/Spell Box, Witch's Bottle, and Stone Scrying craft options. Like I said, so many things I want to try...

  21. Oh my I love this book. I have to get myself a copy here soon, but I am on a very tiny shoestring right now so it's a little ways down my list. I love Chapter 6 with all the recipes specifically focused on the different holidays they go with. I've never been able to find many at all that do that, so I am going to have to try them all.

    Chapters 7 and 8 are some of the best to read! It's that simple, practical knowledge that you need bumped upside the head with and reminded that you don't need all the fancy-smacy stuff in the world to be a good witch, although the stuff that goes with it makes it fun. I have to say I love Chapter 8 best, makes me feel good about my tiny little bit of things I use for my own focused practice. I use and reuse all I can but like any other human being I have to be reminded from time to time that its not the stuff that's important, it's your faith. Thank you Mrs. Blake for reminding me of this.

  22. If I only get to choose just one, I would pick the Goddess's Eye Charm. The reason I chose this is because my two oldest children recently made God's Eyes at a library function and I think they would love to make this.
    (The God's Eyes reminded me of Brigid Crosses for those that may be wondering, as I was, just what are God's Eyes).
    I am adding this book to my amazon wishlist. I pride myself on being able to look outside the box (I once found a large wood style pentacle at Wal-Mart for $5.00 in their garden section), this book will help with that and so much more.

  23. I can't wait to check out the recipes for each holiday. Oh the magical wax tablets too, I've never heard of them.

  24. Congratulations on your award. Unfortunately, I have not read your book. I have dialed back on my learning of witchcraft due to the cost of things. I have always wanted to try scrying, so I would love to make a scrying mirror. My belief is that if I made it, then there would be a more powerful connection when scrying. Your book sounds truly wonderful!

  25. Wow! What a lot of great comments! And such a variety of favorites. It is interesting to see what appeals to people.

    Don't worry, Hutchess, your comment definitely counts. If people want to talk about crafts they've done or recipes they've made that aren't in the book, that's fine :-)

    I understand a lot of you are spending less money because of the economy, and (gasp!) therefore haven't bought the book. Let's face it, that's why I wrote a "Shoestring" book in the first place--because people really need help practicing the Craft without having to spend a lot of money. I promise I'm not in the least offended if the book hasn't made it to the top of your "To Buy" list. If you're anything like me, it is probably a pretty long list!

    Lady Alpha--yes the goddess eye charm comes from the God's eye decoration that many of us made in summer camp under that or another name--and it does resemble Brigid's crosses, which is one of the reasons I like it. I first used this charm as part of a "Spring Cleaning" ritual, and it was a lot of fun to make.

    The good news is that Llewellyn was so pleased by the great response to this contest, they're THROWING IN ANOTHER TWO BOOKS! So I'll be able to give away three books total. How cool is that? What can I say--they're the best!

    Keep spreading the word, since the contest runs until midnight (EST) on Friday. And thanks to all who commented! I've been coming back and forth all day and reading them, and I've loved every single one!

  26. I haven't read that particular book of yours, but just wanted to say I'm glad to see you back on-line. Was starting to worry. Hope the tooth thing is settling down. Peace,

  27. Thanks for worrying about me, Amy! I'm okay--the tooth thing has just been taking a lot of time and energy (and trips to out of town specialists) that normally would have been spent here! And, of course, I am still trying to catch up from the 5 days away at RWA...

    The tooth is better (although still cranky) and will have to be re-root-canaled (ugh) at the end of August. Bleh.

  28. Truthfully as soon as possible I want to make the healing candle. I have all the necessities, just need the time. My hubby just had surgery for prostate cancer and I believe a healing candle is perfect for my family.

  29. Blessings on you and your husband, Sandy. I hope everything gets better from here on out!

  30. I got the book a couple weeks ago and tore through it. Came up with a really cool thought for a way to do a pentacle tile for my altar. This book and all the ones I have of yours are so inspiring. Keep up the good work!

  31. I love the easy protection magic on pg.94 I have actually saved it to do tonight in about another hour when I begin circle. I'm making my first trip to New York City coming up this Thursday, and I'm thrilled out of my mind since it's a place I have always wanted to visit. I'm also a little nervous so I think a little protection magic is in order. It can nevr hurt I think when traveling, so I will let you gals know how it goes. I also have to say I have really enjoyed this book, and would love to have a copy to pass on to a friend. I can honestly say to those of you who haven't purchased it yet, it is wonderful, and worth every penny! I'm also a long time crafter and use such things as magical beaded jewelry, and creating my BOS in scrapbook form already, so I loved more tips on those things as well. I have just discovered Deborah and her books, and have ordered a couple more which I'm saving to read on the ride to NYC. Thanks for putting out such wonderful material! Please keep them coming!

  32. Hey Deborah! I have my copy I won from #moonchat with you, and I'm really looking forward to making wax magickal tablets. I already make my own candles for ritual, so this is a great use for some of my 'extra' wax. I'm using the recipes for our Lughnasadh ritual feast as well.

    Hope you've gotten a chance to check out the mead kits. :D

  33. Thank you all so much for taking part in this contest--it was the most fun one I have ever done!

    And there were so many great answers, it was next to impossible to pick a winner.

    So I picked THREE!

    The winners are Elle (who chose the rune set project), J & J Mommy (homemade herbal paper), and Chanel (who couldn't choose between the herbal broom and the healing candles).

    Email me as soon as you can with your mailing addresses and full names, and I'll send the books out ASAP. You can contact me at magicmysticminerva at yahoo.

    Congrats to the winners and thanks again to everyone who participated and said such nice things about the book!

  34. thank you thank you thank you!!!! i am so so excited!! wooohoooo!!! yay!! *giggle*

    there is nothing better than getting something this special to me from my fav author! thank you Deborah!!!

  35. You're very welcome! And I love being someone's fav author :-)
