Saturday, March 5, 2011

Reminder: New online class starts Monday!

Just one last reminder that my online class, "Witchcraft for the Paranormal Author" starts this Monday on the FFnP loop. You don't have to be a member of RWA or FFnP to take the class, which runs until the end of the month. It is $15 for members, and $25 for nonmembers.

Hope to see some of you there!


  1. Hi, I saw your comment over at Kiersten White's blog today - I'm also a writer who's a year into the 'having the agent' stage, and I'm still waiting for a book contract too, so I thought I'd say hi since we're both in that limbo. Good luck with your projects!

  2. Hi Lynn!

    Thanks for coming over to say hi. This stage sucks, doesn't it? So it is always nice to have company.

    Good luck with yours, too!
