Sunday, October 10, 2010

A day in the life of an author--"What's on my desk"

I have a (free) subscription to an online magazine devoted to writers and writing, The Verb. Once a month it lands in my email inbox, full of tips, interesting info, and a contest.

One of my favorite sections is called "What's on My Desk," in which a featured author shows you their work space and a glimpse into how they write.

So you can imagine how tickled I was when Elizabeth Guy, who writes The Verb, asked me if I wanted to be the (spook-ish) guest author for October! If you are curious about what's on MY desk, go take a look!


  1. A great column, thank you for your hard work and all the inspiration!! But please, be honest with me, as one writer to another - you cleaned your desk before you snapped those shots, didn't you? And it took, like, approximately an hour to hide all the post-it notes and bits of paper with scribbled ideas and quotes and lines on them? Give us some hope, please! :o)

  2. Um...there may have been some frantic tidying before I took the picture :-)

    I admit to nothing...
