Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Magical Buffet of Authors--The signing event

The booksigning at the Saratoga Barnes & Noble went quite well, all things considered. There were five other great authors, and me, of course. And the wonderful Rebecca Elson, of The Magical Buffet blog, who brought us all together. (Not to mention her uber-patient husband, Jim.)

My pal Bobbie, one of the Blue Mooners, and I left my house around 10 AM and got to Saratoga at 12. She took off to visit a friend for a while and I met up with author pal Gail Wood (3rd from left, in the multi-author pic, Rebecca is the one kneeling and holding my book!), Rebecca and her hubby, and we all had lunch at Panera Bread. Yum.

Then we went back to the B &N where I spent much too much money on books. Big surprise there. But in tiny Oneonta, we only have a mini-Borders and a small Indy bookstore, so being let loose in a large bookstore is always a big treat.

The signing went from 2-6, with each author having a half hour to talk. I signed and sold a bunch of books and my "chat" went well, with lots of laughter and questions. [Okay, some of the laughter was because my sister Sarah and niece Addy were there, and in true sisterly fashion, Sarah kept asking embarassing questions...thanks so much, S'ra!]

It was great to see everyone, and I got to meet a Twitter friend, a Facebook friend, and one of the "Betties" from Lucy March's blog where I spend so much of my time these days. And I had a few fans come up and tell me how much they loved my books and give me big hugs. Always nice to be appreciated.

All in all, a great day. Thanks to Rebecca, for putting this together, and to all the folks who came out to see me. This is what makes the working of writing worthwhile.


  1. Great pictures, and I'm glad it went so well - though I admit, I'm a little jealous about lunch at Panera. I got rather addicted during my time in Ohio, and I miss it. ;)

  2. I know what you mean about Panera. There isn't one anywhere near me, alas, so this is only the second time I've gotten to eat at one. But man, are they good!

    And hey--you'll be back in Ohio before you know it :-)

  3. Oooooh! Panera! I'm blessed to have them all around me (just down the street from my office, in fact). Having such accessibility to all that bread isn't necessarily good for my waistline, but.....

    Glad to hear you had such a good time (spending too much $$ at a bookstore is a MUST!). I've got a couple of your books in my Amazon basket - just as soon as OT pay comes in. Single motherhood just doesn't afford me the opportunity to indulge often. :(

  4. Stormy--
    OMG, if I lived down the street from Panera, I'd be DOOMED. Thanks for considering my books worthy of your limited budget :-) I hope you enjoy them when you eventually get them.

  5. I wish I could have come, but I live just far enough away that the drive would have been a pain. Although, come to think of it, I'm probably closer to you in Oneonta than I am to Saratoga. *shrug*

    Glad everything went well. Ditto all the Panera love. I have one nearby -- one of my favorites!! :)

    Anna (AKA Irish Betty)

  6. Anna,
    Where do you live? If you are closer to Oneonta, I will probably be doing something here around Halloween :-)
