Thursday, August 12, 2010

Save the Date! September 11th in Saratoga

Hi All!

If you live anywhere near Saratoga, NY...

I hope you will join me and six other spiritual/Pagan/paranormal Nonfiction authors at the Magical Buffet of Authors event at the Saratoga Barnes and Noble on Saturday, September 11th from 2-6.

Here is the link to the B&N site with specifics

This event is the brainchild of fabu blogger, Rebecca Elson of The Magical Buffet (if you have never checked out her blog, by golly, you should! )

The other authors include Ellen Evert Hopman, Gordie Little, Lama Willa Miller, David Pitkin, Maria Kay Simms, and my pal Gail Wood (who some of you might remember from The Spiritual Arts Fair here in Oneonta).

I hope to see some of you there!


  1. I am going to try to swing by ... and perhaps if this is going to be happening again next year, I would love to participate!

  2. As far as I know, this is only a one time thing--but that will probably depend on how successful it is!
