Check out my review of the urban fantasy BLACK BLADE BLUES on @TiaNevitt's Debuts & Reviews
Tia Nevitt has kindly invited me to be her go-to reviewer for Urban Fantasy (since she doesn't like most of them, and I do). I'll be posting a link here whenever a new review is posted.
Many thanks to all who helped to make my birthday so memorable. I have a stack of books to sign and send out to all those who ordered/preordered. You guys rock! I'll probably do something special when the next book, Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook, is released in July. [OMG--that's only 2 months away!]
Would people prefer a contest giving away a copy of the book, or a straight "buy a signed copy from me for a couple bucks off" deal? Let me know, so I can start plotting and planning now...
Up next, the 50th Birthday Report, Part Three! With more pictures, a May Pole dance and the coolest cake EVAH.
And if you happen to live anywhere near Oneonta, NY please stop by and see me this Saturday at the 6th annual Spiritual Arts Fair at the UU Church 12 Ford Avenue. I'll be there from 9:30-5 selling and signing books, and doing mini-tarot readings at my table. Sitting right next to me will be fab Pagan author Gail Wood, who will be doing the same. There are also great workshops, vendors, readers & healers. Come say hi!
Oh, I hate losing contests...I would much rather just give you money for a signed copy of a book I am going to buy anyway.