Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cover for book #4

I was talking to my beloved editor at Llewellyn, Elysia Gallo, last night about the cover for my forthcoming book (#5), Witchcraft on a Shoestring. The cover we were talking about is still in mock-up form (like a rough sketch, but on computer) so there's nothing to show there yet.

However, the discussion reminded me that I hadn't posted a picture of the cover for book #4, The Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook, coming in July.

Yes--I actually have two books coming out this year, just a couple of months apart! Can't quite get used to it, clearly.

So here it is... TA DA!

And, to make things better, I convinced Llewellyn to let me have a pre-order special for my loyal readers. For both books! So here they are:

[go to the site to order]

for the Spellbook, good until 4/1/10 enter the code ATOZ10 (thats a to z, then the #10)
for Witchcraft on a Shoestring, good 4/1/10-7/1/10 enter the code THRIFTY10

They are both good for 10% off! enjoy!

ANd let me know what you think of the cover, please.


  1. Yay! That's very cool! I'm so excited for you! And for me- when I get to order. *g*

  2. Thanks Saranna! Yes, it is very cool--like a reverse of the cover for Everyday Witch A to Z. Magic the Cat approves :-) And don't forget to use the coupon code to get 10% off--every little bit counts!

  3. That is so cool.

    I want the Witchcraft on a Shoetring, that's always been my biggest problem with Wicca/Witchcraft - having the funds to buy all the special things for spells, potions and whatnot

    I can't wait for your book to come out.

  4. Woo hoo! I'll totally be ordering the spells book!

  5. So excited for both releases!. Love the cover for the A to Z one, I own the yellow cover one and loved it. Can't wait to see what magic the cat has up his cat-nip this time around..hehe :).

    Congrats on both releases.
    looking forward to reading them.

    Blessed be!

  6. Thanks Izzy! I think you'll like it...
    And Magic the Cat is a she, by the way. Maybe why she's so bossy :-)

  7. Gail--wait until you see some of the fun and practical spells. You're going to have a blast. The "Jerk Avoidance" spell will be particularly handy for when you're a famous authoresss...

  8. Roxanne--that's a pretty common complaint. And part of why I wrote the book. When I asked a few folks what they wanted me to write about next, that's what they said :-)
    And since I (and all the other women in my circle) am definitely a cheapo witch... I am used to doing it all on a Shoestring. Except for books...I spend most of my money on books :-)

  9. OMG, my heroine so needs the jerk avoidance spell! I assume it's tested and proven? ;)

  10. Gail--
    *snort* tested and proven...I like that! I've actually had people ask me if they could use the spells from my books in their fiction work [I gave an online writing class last year about writing witches in paranormals].
