Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holiday music video for all

Check out this beautiful music video by Dar Williams called "Christians and Pagans" and remember that we are family.

Many holiday blessings to you all!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays and a Resolution

Okay--I confess it: I am a crappy blogger. I always intend to come here and tell y'all about the fascinating things going on in my life [not!], but mostly I don't get around to it.

For instance, I fully intended to blog all about NANOWRIMO throughout November. Instead, I just wrote :-) But the good news is that I finished--50,526 words in a month!

Of course, the bad news is that I am barely getting any writing done in December (about 16,000 words so far). Not that this is a big surprise--I run an artist's cooperative shop and make jewelry, so this is the crazy-busy time of year. I'll have to finish up the WIP in January. What's really amazing is that I've gotten any writing done at all.

Today I'm fighting a cold and hoping it will be gone by tomorrow, when I go in for the final push of the season at the shop. But I'm also thinking ahead to next year and making a resolution to be a more consistent blogger.

Here are some of the things that will be happening in 2010:

January--I plan to finish the current novel I'm working on, PENTACLES AND PENTIMENTOS, and start sending it out to agents.

February--It now looks like I will be going to Pantheacon (a huge pagan convention) in San Jose, and combining the trip out west with a visit to my family in San Diego. Let me know if you're going too.

April--At the end of the month, I turn 50 (oy!), and I'll be celebrating with a trip to the RT convention (Romance Times, for readers and writers) with my pal Shannon. There will be male cover models. 'Nuff said.

July--Book 4 comes out from Llewellyn. This is THE EVERYDAY WITCH A TO Z SPELLBOOK, which contains lots of practical and easy spells for everyday life. "Jerk Avoidance" spell, anyone?

September--Book 5 comes out from Llewellyn. (I know! Two books in a year!!!) WITCHCRAFT ON A SHOESTRING is full of suggestions for practicing the Craft on a budget, and includes a bunch of inexpensive recipes and craft projects.

Anyway, I hope to be better at keeping up with this blog, so y'all can see how all these exciting things turn out. And the rest of the time, I'll just talk about the boring stuff :-)

Wishing everyone a happy holiday, whether it be Hannukah, Yule, Christmas or anything else. And I hope you all have a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2010.

See you in the New Year!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some thoughts and advice on online writing classes

I’ve been thinking a lot about online classes lately, in part because I have spent the month of October teaching my first one, WITCHCRAFT FOR THE PARANORMAL AUTHOR. The class is going great: 40 participants, great folks taking part, and an enthusiastic and positive response from those who are taking it. They’ve already asked me to teach it again next year. Who could ask for more?

Which got me to thinking about what makes a good online class, and how to choose the one that’s right for you. I’ve taken a bunch of classes online over the last couple of years, and I got more out of some than others. What made the difference between a class that was right for me and one that wasn’t?

In some cases, it was the teacher. There are some folks who teach A LOT of classes. This doesn’t necessarily guarantee a good teacher, but it often helps. There are also particular sites (especially some of the RWA chapters and associations) that specialize in presenting great classes. The Low Country RWA ( is where I took my first bunch of classes (and where I’m teaching my current one) and they have a fabulous assortment at a really reasonable price: only $16 for a three-week class!

I found one of my favorite online teachers at lowcountry, and have since taken a bunch of classes with her (pretty much every time she offers one, I take it—she’s just that good). Lois Winston is both a writer (TALK GERTIE TO ME) and an agent. She and a friend have started a site specializing in classes for writers who are just starting out. I asked her to give me the lowdown on her new venture:
The url is . We offer 10 workshops a year, stressing the fundamentals and skills needed to succeed as a published author. Most of the courses are geared toward writing fiction, but we also offer one workshop in memoir writing and one in non-fiction writing. All workshops are given by me and author Dianne Drake. As you know, I'm an award-winning author, multi-published in novel length fiction and short fiction, as well as non-fiction, and am also an agent with the Ashley Grayson Literary Agency. Dianne is the award-winning author of 25 novels and 7 non-fiction books, as well as over 500 national magazine articles.

Another one of my favorite places to find classes is at Write_Workshop, which is the creation of author Candace Havens. The loop is at

Candace gives classes herself, gets lots of her author friends to give classes, and also runs a yearly Fast Draft for those on the loop (kind of like NaNoWriMo, but with periodic boots to the butt applied lovingly by Candy). The best part of all? All the classes on the loop are FREE. That’s right, you heard me. Free. The only thing Candy asks is that you support those giving the classes by buying their books. [Candace has two series out, both paranormal romance, and I HIGHLY recommend them both.]

Other online teachers who come highly recommended by some of my current students include Terry Spear (especially her “Show vs. Tell” class), Connie Flynn (“Conflict”), Beth Cornelisan (“Secondary Characters: The Good, the Bad, and the Quirky”), Mary Buckham (“Sex Between the Sheets”) and Margie Lawson. And here is a link to a loop that lists lots of online classes and will send out notices to let you know when they are: http://groups. group/Announceon linewritingclass es/

When looking for an online class, you may want to consider a few of the following issues: what does it cost (they can range from free to very expensive) and how long does it run (some classes are one day, some are as long as a month—do you have the time to do a longer class justice, and do you need lots of time to get the assignments done?). And look for the classes that will give you help in the areas you need most. If you are already pretty good at developing characters, you might want a class on conflict development or pitching queries.

No matter what the topic is, or who is teaching it, you will only get out of an online class what you put into it. Since there are no grades, and no one looking over your shoulder, it is up to you to pick a class that will interest you enough to put in the necessary time and energy. But if you do, I guarantee that you will have fun, learn something, and –hopefully—come out of it a better writer. And those are pretty good reasons to take a class.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Writing Class Update

I am pleased to report that the online writing class I'm teaching all month is still going REALLY well. I have 40 students, when all is said and done, and they are a great bunch of folks. Everyone is cooperative and helpful (they give each other tips on research, and everything). And everyone is being very nice and complementary to me, even though I'm not giving out actual grades :-)

I wasn't sure what to expect from the experience, since this is the first online class I've given [I've taken a bunch of classes online, and taught in person--but that isn't the same thing]. I am pleasantly surprised, and having a great time. Also working my butt off, of course. It is amazing how much time it takes to keep up with posting the lessons, responding to the students' homework, and answering all the misc. questions that everyone has come up with.

But I like it.

Some of the students even suggested that I make the class up into a booklet and sell it on LULU. I'm thinking about it, although I can't imagine there is enough interest to make it worth the effort.

I'll be writing a guest blog at Texting Between the Sheets about teaching and taking online classes--it should be out this Saturday. I'll try to remember to post a link.

In other news--I'm making pretty good progress on the outline for the next novel, Pentacles and Pentimentos, an Urban Fantasy based on my short story that was published in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction (Llewellyn, 2008). I'm up to 21 pages, and not even close to the end, as far as I can tell. And I signed up for NaNoWriMo for the first time. I blame Shannon and Elysia :-)

Back to answering emails from my students,
Many bright blessings,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Writing class has started

Today was the first day of my online writing class, Witchcraft for Paranormal Authors (that is to say, those authors who write paranormals...not actual paranormal authors).

So far, so good.

I actually posted the first lesson (an intro to me and the class) late last night, because I had a REALLY early meeting before work this morning. But even before then, lots of the class participants had signed on and introduced themselves. This is great, because one of the challenges of online classes is that one often gets lots of "lurkers" (who just read all the lessons but don't actively take part). This isn't a bad thing, necessarily--I've taken a few online classes myself [which is actually how I got sucked into giving this one, if fact], and sometimes I just don't have time to be an active participant.

But it is great that most of the folks taking the class are already excited and ready to jump in and get going.

No pressure :-)

I also found out from one of the organizers from where the course is given that my class has a higher enrollment than any they've given in quite a while. Wow. How cool is that?

So for the moment, I am cautiously optimistic about the way the class is shaping up--although also mildly freaked out by how much time it is already taken up, and that's BEFORE we get to the assignments I'll have to respond to. Wait, isn't this why I got out of regular teaching?

I'll keep ya posted. Wish me luck.

Teacher Deb

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Giving an Online Class for Paranormal Authors

**Permission to repost** (Pretty please!!!!)

Online workshop
October 6th-29th
Cost $16.00
Given by Deborah Blake, author of 5 books on Witchcraft (Llewellyn Worldwide) and writer of Paranormal Romance

Witches are the new hot character in Paranormal Romance. (According to RT Book Reviews, October 2009 issue!)Popular authors who write using witches include Yasmine Galenorn, Candace Havens, Linda Wisdom, Kim Harrison, Annette Blair, and Anya Bast! If you're writing Paranormal Romance featuring witches, this class will help you get it right.

October 2009 — The Real Witch: Witchcraft Basics for the Paranormal Author
Presented by Deborah Blake
Dates: October 6-29
Deadline: October 4

Course Description:
Have you ever wondered about the differences between historical witches and modern-day Wiccans? Are you curious about familiars? How do you create a witch character for fiction? Deborah Blake can answer these questions and many more with her class about witchcraft and creating a character practicing the magical arts. You will learn how to create witch characters for different genres including Chick Lit and Paranormal. You will learn how to create a witch with real strengths and weaknesses. You will learn the basics of Wicca and spell casting. You will learn some of the historical views on familiars. You will learn how to write scenes in which your character practices magic and how the character would create a spell. You may not be allowed to turn an agent into a toad, but you are allowed to create a great character for your book!

Instructor Bio:
Deborah Blake is a Wiccan High Priestess who has led her own group, Blue Moon Circle, since 2004. She is the author of Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice (Llewellyn 2007), Everyday Witch A to Z: An Amusing, Inspiring & Inspirational Guide to the Wonderful World of Witchcraft (Llewellyn 2008) and The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch (Llewellyn 2009). She took third prize in the Pagan Fiction Award contest and her short story “Dead and (Mostly) Gone” was published in the Anthology of Pagan Fiction: 13 Prize Winning Tales (2008). She is currently working on a novel featuring a Witch as a protagonist. Deborah lives in upstate New York in a 100 year old farmhouse, where her activities both magickal and mundane are supervised by her five cats.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Take my class on writing Witch characters

I am going to be giving an online class in October through the lowcountryrwa (you don't have to be a member of either the lowcountryrwa or rwa to take the class). It costly a measly $16, and is designed to help anyone who writes fiction (paranormal or fantasy) involving a Witch as a character.

Here is a description of the class and my qualifications:

October 2009 — The Real Witch: Witchcraft Basics for the Paranormal AuthorPresented by Deborah Blake
Dates: October 6-29
Deadline: October 4
Course Description:Have you ever wondered about the differences between historical witches and modern-day Wiccans? Are you curious about familiars? How do you create a witch character for fiction? Deborah Blake can answer these questions and many more with her class about witchcraft and creating a character practicing the magical arts. You will learn how to create witch characters for different genres including Chick Lit and Paranormal. You will learn how to create a witch with real strengths and weaknesses. You will learn the basics of Wicca and spell casting. You will learn some of the historical views on familiars. You will learn how to write scenes in which your character practices magic and how the character would create a spell. You may not be allowed to turn an agent into a toad, but you are allowed to create a great character for your book!

Instructor Bio:Deborah Blake is a Wiccan High Priestess who has led her own group, Blue Moon Circle, since 2004. She is the author of Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice (Llewellyn 2007), Everyday Witch A to Z: An Amusing, Inspiring & Inspirational Guide to the Wonderful World of Witchcraft (Llewellyn 2008) and The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch (Llewellyn 2009). She took third prize in the Pagan Fiction Award contest and her short story “Dead and (Mostly) Gone” was published in the Anthology of Pagan Fiction: 13 Prize Winning Tales (2008). She is currently working on a novel featuring a Witch as a protagonist. Deborah lives in upstate New York in a 100 year old farmhouse, where her activities both magickal and mundane are supervised by her five cats.

If this sounds interesting to you, check it out and sign up at

I hope to see you there!


Friday, August 21, 2009

interview withe me, part 2

Check out the second part of my pal Saoirse Redgrave's interview with me on her blog

Comment and join the fun!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thankful Thursdays & pal Saoirse's blog interview

Well, it's Thankful Thursday, and I'm thankful that my pal Saoirse Redgrave is interviewing me (over the course of the next three days!) at her blog. Please go check it out and comment if you have a minute!

I'm also thankful that the heat here seems to be easing up some, that the danged raccoons left me a couple of ears of corn (grrrr), and that I had a few nice days with ex-boyfriend Joe when he came into town for his Dad's funeral. It was nice to reconnect with the family.

I'm thankful that I got to spend a couple of days with my own family last weekend, before my folks got back in the RV and headed back to San Diego :-)

Hope you all are having a wonderful week, and finding lots of things to be thankful for. I promise to try to get to my MUCH belated post about the RWA National conference some time over the weekend...


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Online pagan/author pal Lisa Didio does a "Thursday Thanks" blog and lists all the things she's thankful for. I'm going to er...borrow...the idea and do the same. If you're reading this--consider doing the same!
I'm thankful for:
My cats (yes, all of them...mostly)
Having a job I like
The pest control guy who came and took care of the HUGE hornet's nest in my apple tree
That my 11 year old neighbor who was weeding for me yesterday only got stung a couple of time by the aforementioned hornets and is okay
The Full Moon and the goddess it symbolizes
My regular healing client who not only pays me, but gives me a chance to use my gifts
The internet :-)

Happy Thursday, all. What are you grateful for?
Blessings, Deborah

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Getting Ready for RWA Nationals

Well, it is only a week before I leave for the RWA (Romance Writers of America) National Convention in Washington, DC—and I’m madly trying to get things ready before I go.

I am traveling by train with my pal, writer Saoirse Redgrave (13 to Life, St. Martin’s Press 2010). We’re leaving at the crack of dawn on Wednesday, and won’t be back until Sunday night. (Don’t worry—the cats are being well taken care of!) That’s a long trip by my standards, so I am trying to get my “to-do” list done before I go, in case I am really wiped out from a week of networking, workshops and agent meetings (please goddess) by the time I get back.

I am really looking forward to my first Nationals. In part, because of the opportunities to possibly get my work noticed by people who could make a serious difference in my success or failure as a fiction writer (i.e. agents and editors), and of course the fab workshops that will hopefully make me a better writer. But mostly because I am finally going to get to meet up with some of the great folks who I’ve been talking to online for over a year—many of whom have gone out of their way to be helpful and supportive—but never had the chance to meet in person.

Tops on this list: author Mindy Klasky, author Candace Havens, author/agent Lucienne Diver, and author/agent Lois Winston. And then there are the writers I just follow around the web and admire (an occasionally correspond with): Jeri Smith-Ready, Maria V. Snyder and Jennifer Crusie. Not to mention a few agents and editors I’ve been in contact with professionally, like Patience Smith of Harlequin and agent Kevan Lyon. Needless to say, this is just the short-list.

Trying to figure out what to pack is just crazy, and the scheduling is next to impossible. But still, another week and a day and we’re on our way.

I’ll try and blog more often in the week to come, and from RWA itself if I can. Wish you were all coming with me!


Sunday, June 14, 2009 contest

I recently entered the contest with my paranormal romance/chicklit novel WITCH EVER WAY YOU CAN (winner of the EMILY "Best of the Best" contest earlier this year). If you are interested in seeing a sample of my fiction writing, I will be posting additions to the story every day, or close to it. I'd REALLY appreciate it if you would go take a peek and vote for my story. If you sign up to have the new installments sent to you, I get an extra point, too. Thanks!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Spell for Relaxation

Anyone out there actually relaxing as much as they need to? Ha! Didn't think so. Here is a spell I just wrote for my next Llewellyn book, The Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook, coming out next year. Feel free to try it--I hope it helps!

Goddess great
Please grant me time
To put aside
For peace of mind

Relaxing moments
Isles of calm
To sooth my mind
Like nature’s balm

Help me learn
To slow my pace
Allow myself
An hour’s grace

Is the goal
To balance life
And keep me whole

So mote it be

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Library Journal Review

Check out this fabulous review of my newest book, The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch. I'm told that the Library Journal rarely reviews Llewellyn books, and when it does, the reviews are rarely favorable. That makes this glowing review even more precious!

Blake, Deborah. The Goddess Is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch. Llewellyn. May 2009. c.240p. bibliog. ISBN 978-0-7387-1486-8. pap. $16.95. PARAPSYCH
Blake (Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice) dons the mantle of the high priestess with grace, wisdom, and a dose of humility as she doles out advice on incorporating magic and pagan philosophy into everyday life. Brief but not superficial, the book glides smoothly from private concerns such as internalizing Wiccan beliefs or mindful eating to more external and social issues like creating sacred space, home keeping, and working with a coven. Along the way, Blake manages to cover most of daily life, from raising children in the craft to dealing with horrified unbelievers in a cheerful and inclusive tone. Lovely spells, ideas for rituals (with some unique adaptations to “mundane” holidays), and thoughtful assignments at the end of chapters round out the offerings. Blake’s view is highly personal, but she frequently references other Wiccan writers, such as Scott Cunningham, and concludes with a meaty bibliography. High praise and recommendations; this title is for all public libraries with a dedicated pagan or Wiccan collection.—Janet Tapper, Western States Chiropractic Coll. Lib., Portland, OR

Whoo hoo! If you know any librarians, please bring this to their attention.Thanks,Deborah

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The new book is out!

It’s here! Sound the trumpets and send up the fireworks! My new book, The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch is finally out from Llewellyn and available at Amazon and your local bookstore. It has gotten rave advance reviews, which is very exciting. Notable Pagan authors Z. Budapest, Edain McCoy and Denise Dumars were kind enough to write blurbs for the book, too. Huzzah! I got the box of books I ordered the other day, and I have to tell you, there is very little in life that is more satisfying for an author than holding your “baby” in your hands for the first time.

Didn’t Llewellyn do a great job on the cover? Kudos to the artist, and to my two wonderful editors, Elysia Gallo and Becky Zins.

I am so excited, I am going to run a special “blog only” contest. Until the end of May, people will have the chance to post links to this announcement and/or to my website and/or to the book on Amazon in as many places they can think of. The person who can send me proof that they’ve posted in the most places will win a free copy of the new book, signed by me. Just contact me through my website or this blog. If anyone manages to find over 50 places to post links (blogs, loops, facebook, twitter, myspace, etc), I will send them copies of ALL THREE of my books! So go out and spread the word!

And I hope you will find and enjoy the new book!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April news and the EMILY Best of the Best Award

Hi All,

Happy “theoretical” spring! Here in upstate New York, we are still doing the moody swing between sunny and 60 and raining/snowing/30 blech.

But I have news to brighten the darkest day, so I don’t care!

I was notified that I won the EMILY contest “Best of the Best” award. They take the winners of all the various categories (I won “Romantic Suspense,” although my novel is really a paranormal with romantic suspense) and pick, well, the best of the best. And that was ME! I’m still over the moon about it.
Better yet, my prize was that I got to send the 1st 3 chapters of WITCH EVER WAY YOU CAN to Leis Pederson, at Berkley. Let’s hope she likes it!

I am hard at work editing my second novel, KING ME! – a humorous paranormal romance about a modern witch who accidentally brings back King Arthur to save the world. Oops. Many thanks to my “First Readers”: Judith Levine, Caere Dunn, and my two writing partners, Robin Wright and Saoirse Redgrave. You guys rock! As soon as I get through the first round of edits, I’ll be sending the first 65 pages or so to fabbo author and professional editor, Mindy Klasky.

Speaking of my pal Saoirse, she got great news, too. (Way better than mine, really.) Her YA werewolf tale, 13 TO LIFE, which won the contest, has been “snapped up” by a great publisher! More details later when everything is official, but in the meanwhile, big cheers for Saoirse!

I’m more than midway through writing my fourth book for Llewellyn, THE EVERYDAY WITCH A TO Z SPELLBOOK. Today I started working on the “Q” spells, so it’s moving along nicely. And of course, book 3, THE GODDESS IS IN THE DETAILS: WISDOM FOR THE EVERYDAY WITCH comes out in May!

Booksigning news next time J

Many bright blessings, and may spring bring you good news, too!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I win, I win, I win!

Got the call last night (happy Valentine's Day to me!) that I had won 1st in the contemporary series catagory of the West Houston RWA "EMILY" contest. It's my first "1st" (I have a couple of 2nds) so I am really tickled pink. In addition, I was told that the judging editor, Patience Smith of Silhouette, asked to see the full. Woot!

Of course, it is odd that I won in CS, since I am usually in the paranormal catagory [for some reason I entered both in this idea why...must have been that little voice in my head...and didn't final in the paranormal catagory). And my mss isn't really Silouette material, although you never know. I was aiming more at LUNA or MIRA. Still, just having the request makes me feel like I am on the right track and getting closer to my goal...

I hope everyone else had something wonderful happen this weekend :-)

Doing the happy dance,

Monday, February 2, 2009

Update on January Goals and new February Goals

I didn't manage to accomplish all my writing goals for January, although I made a fairly good dent in them. Here is my report for last month and the month to come:

Writing Goals

This Week (Feb 2-Feb 8):
1. Update blog
2. Enter “Chase the Dream” contest again
3. Write G-H on Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook
4. Write 20 new pages in King Me!
5. Read and edit Writer’s Group pal Shannon’s book chap 9-12

Last Month (January 2009)
1. done Finish all edits on WEWYC (set aside other than agent/contest submissions)
2. did only thru F Complete thru “L” on Everyday Witch Spellbook
3. done Review and revise first 100+ pages of King Me!
4. did 3, decided to wait on more Send 10 queries for WEWYC (if necessary)
5. got verbal “yes” and waiting on contract Get contract for Everyday Witch Spellbook
6. done Update blog weekly
7. Write up outline for Witch Ever Way You Turn didn’t get to
8. Write additional 50 pages on first draft of King Me! Didn’t get to
9. Find 2 opportunities for freelance article writing did one of 2
This Month (February 2009)
1. Update blog weekly
2. Enter one contest
3. Complete G-M on Everyday Witch A to Z
4. Complete 50 additional pages on King Me!
5. Work with webmaster to update website

How are you doing with your goals?

Monday, January 26, 2009

More goals

Okay, I admit it--didn't manage to accomplish all my goals for last week. I blame the winter. And stuff. I did get 5 of the 8 goals completed, and worked on the others...
The biggest one I did accomplish, however, was finishing the edits for my completed mss, WITCH EVER WAY YOU CAN. It is off to a few more agents, and I will still be sending it out to contests, but other than that it is getting set aside for now so I can return to work on the WIP (work in progress), KING ME!
Here are my writing goals for the coming week:

This Week (Jan 26- Feb 1):

Update blog
Enter “Chase the Dream” contest again
Write E-F on Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook
Review and revise 1st 137 pages of King Me!
Write 20 new pages in King Me!
Enter “Sheila” contest
I'll let you know how it goes:-)

Hope everyone has a good week and meets or exceeds their own goals.
Blessings, Deborah

Monday, January 19, 2009

Great news and this week's writing goals

This week was quite productive, and I managed to do all but one of the goals on my list. But I am TIRED and am devising a slightly more manageable list for next week.

THE GOOD NEWS IS: I got the call from my aquisitions editor at Llewellyn, and they will be contracting for my 4th book, The Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook. Yahoo! That puts me in line to achieve my goal with the NF, which was 5 books in 5 years. (I decided that was what it would take to get me "known.") So big ol' happy dance here! Of course, now I have to finish writing it:-)

Did: updated my blog, entered two contests (small free ones), got info to my webmaster pal so we can update my website, wrote all of the "C" and some of the "D" entries for Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook, reread and polished Witch Ever Way pages 100-190, sent out 3 queries for it (got 2 rejections almost immediately--sigh) and finished reading and scoring my entries for the Golden Heart and Great Expectations contests and sent them in.

Didn't do: I only managed to get through part of "D" for the A-Z, when I'd been aiming at finishing thru "F." Still, not a bad week, all in all.

Updated Writing Goals

This Week (Jan 19-25):
1. Update blog
2. Enter “Chase the Dream” contest again
3. Write up mini-proposal for Itty Bitty Kitty Spellbook
4. Write D-F on Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook
5. Reread and polish WEWYC page 193-263 (end)
6. Send out 3 Queries for Witch Ever Way You Can
7. Send out Full of WEWYC to Lois Winston
8. Review and revise 1st 35 pages of King Me!

I hope everyone is doing well keeping up with their goals and new year's resolutions. I am working on a few personal goals too, but it is a little to early to share them. I'll let you know if things go well:-)

Monday, January 12, 2009

This week's writing goals

It's a miracle! I actually accomplished all of last week's goals. Will it ever happen again? Too soon to say...

Here are the goals for this week, and a recap of the monthly goals, to keep me honest:
Writing Goals

This Week (Jan 12-18):
1. Update blog
2. Enter “The Verb” contest by 1/15
3. Enter “Chase the Dream” contest 1/12
4. Get info to webmaster for updates of website
5. Write C-F on Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook
6. Reread and polish WEWYC thru page 190
7. Send out 3 Queries for Witch Ever Way You Can
8. Finish and send in judging scores for Golden Heart
9. Read and critique 2 entries for Great Expectations

This Month (January 2009)
1. Finish all edits on WEWYC (set aside other than agent/contest submissions)
2. Complete thru “L” on Everyday Witch Spellbook
3. Review and revise first 100+ pages of King Me!
4. Send 10 queries for WEWYC (if necessary)
5. Get contract for Everyday Witch Spellbook
6. Update blog weekly
7. Write up outline for Witch Ever Way You Turn
8. Write additional 50 pages on first draft of King Me!
9. Find 2 opportunities for freelance article writing

IN other news, my friend Shannon got some great news, which I'll share when I can. Robin and George bought a new house (which is going to make it hard to gather for our writing group, but is still good news for them).

And I was notified that I am a finalist in the 2009 "Emily" contest! Yippe!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Writing goals for January

I know, I know, I've been among the missing, blog-wise. December is a crazy month for me, what with being in retail and then getting the flu.I am trying to get back into the writing groove and re-establish a little self-discipline. To wit, I have come up with a (hopefully reasonable) list of writing goals for the month of January and the upcoming week. [We're not even talking about the rest of my life, which I should have a list of goals for as well...maybe next week.]
Writing Goals

This Week (Jan 4-11):
Neaten writing area
Organize contest info
Set goals for week/month
Update blog (s)
Review editorial suggestions for WEWYC/take notes for editing
Reread and polish WEWYC thru page 100 (already edited)
Finish typing up thru “B” on Everyday Witch A-Z Spellbook
Enter “Marlene” WRWA contest

This Month (January 2009)
Finish all edits on WEWYC (set aside other than agent/contest submissions)
Complete thru “L” on Everyday Witch Spellbook
Review and revise first 100+ pages of King Me!
Send 10 queries for WEWYC (if necessary)
Get contract for Everyday Witch Spellbook
Update blog weekly
Write up outline for Witch Ever Way You Turn
Write additional 50 pages on first draft of King Me!
Find 2 opportunities for freelance article writing

I welcome any comments or input, and I'd love to hear about anyone else's goals (writing or otherwise).Hope you had a great holiday season and a wonderful New Year. We will now return you to your regularly scheduled program...